European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.438056 ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DIFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVISOR Aminu Yusuf1i, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu 2, Iornienge Moses Tarnum3 Department of Education Foundations, 1 Faculty of Technology Education, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria Department of Physical Science Education, 2 Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria Department of Vocational and Technical Education, 3 Faculty of Education, Benue University, Makurdi, Nigeria Abstract: Determining the extent of difference between male and female supervised students’ perception on relationship; commitments of Undergraduate Research Project Supervisor (URPS) were among the objectives of the study. Survey design was adopted for the study. The study consisted of three universities, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University of Technology, (ATBU) Bauchi, from North East, Benue State University (BSU) Makurdi, from North Central and Imo state University (ISU) Owerri from the South East geo political zones of Nigeria. Population of the study consisted of 1969 (375, from ATBU, 759 from BSU and 759 from ISU) final year students from Faculty of Education in each university. Proportionate Stratify random sampling was used to select 322 students. Supervised students project questionnaire (SSPQ) was developed, validated and used for data collection. Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.88 was obtained as the stability coefficient of the items. Hypotheses were tested at α=0.05 level of significance. The data was analyzed using weighted mean while chi square test was used for the testing of the hypotheses. Some of the findings from the study shows that, there is significant (ѱ2 = 44.541, df = 4, ρ<0.05) difference between male (Weighted 28.85) and female (Weighted mean mean score = score =30.4) supervised A students perception on the A Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 498 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR relationship with URPS; male have positive perception than female supervised students on level of UPRS commitments to student. Researchers to focus their study on undergraduate research project especially on opinion, perception Keywords: gender difference, students’ perception, undergraduate research project supervisor 1. Instruction University students are required to carry out research project work at undergraduate level popularly known as Undergraduate Research Project (URP). Lambert, 2013 observed that a research project is an essential aspect of many undergraduate degree programs. Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR, 1997) defined URP as an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline (are of specialization). It is a collaboration between a student and a faculty member in making a creative, original contribution to a given discipline. (Undergraduate research manual, n.d). Numerous benefits apart from the requirement for the ward of degree certificate are derive from research project work by the undergraduate student. Its provide experience of writing in the discipline and giving chance to be creative; its accord undergraduate students with experience that allows the students to better understand published works, learn to balance collaborative and individual work its enhance student’s involvement in knowledge of a given field and brings new ideas to all who are interested in the field (Alvarez and Dimmock, 2007; Madan and Teitge, 2013; Undergraduate Research Manual, n.d). URP also benefit students with skills for carrying out future research work especially at post graduate level. To ensure that, research carry out by student is pre of research misconduct (plagiarism, falsification and fabrication) supervisor who is a lecturer in the field of the undergraduate student area of specialization is appointed by the department URP coordinator. Supervision refers to a series collaborative interaction between the supervisor and the student in which the student is intellectually engaged in the scholarly research problem or program; it is one-to-one interaction between a supervisor and a student (Council of Undergraduate Research [CUR, 1997]; Yeoh and Doan, 2012). The URPS need to be patience, humble, committed or dedicated, show interest and be in a position to motivate the student. Literature documented that characteristics of ideal supervisors are knowledgeable and experience; must provide timely and constructive feedback; and friendly approachable and flexible (Yeoh and European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 499 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR Doan, 2012; Ali, Watson and Dhingrak, 2016; Azure, 2016). The contributions of the supervisor in the student mentor relationship, however, are equally crucial in promoting efficient and sustained undergraduate research (Showman, Cat, Cook, Holloway and Wittman, 2013). Lambert, 2013 observed that, supervising URP can present a special challenge such as the task of supporting apprentice researchers unused both to concepts and terminology of research. Manden and Teitge (2013) caution academic advisers URSP to be aware of their student’s potential interest in research project work. To facilitate URPS work, Huang (2016) urged URPS to persuade supervise student’s that research is good idea, keep many options open, share advice and discuss with the student’s. URP is never without problems. Garret (2013) observed that, URP is associated with problems that includes relying too much on Google, Wikipedia and information from non-scholarly websites, not making careful use of scholarly sources available in library( books, electronic databases) and failing to distinguish between effective sources and in appropriate ones. Literature on URP focus on concepts, benefits and problems associated with URP (Garret, 2013; Juliat, 2015; Lessman, 2012; Madan and Teitge, 2013; Huang, 2016; and Yusuf, 2017). These are acknowledged. However, there is need for further research on URP to include study on the relationship between UPRS and supervised student. It is in line with this, that the study assessed gender difference on Students’ Perception of URPS. Specifically, the study determined the extent of difference between male and female supervised students’ perception on 1. Relationship with URPS. 2. URPS Level of commitments to student. 3. URPS discharging his duty to the student expectation. 4. URPS motivation to student. 5. URPS. 2. Hypotheses The following hypotheses where tested at α= 0.05 level of significance: 1. Ho1: there is no significance difference between male and female supervised students’ perception on relationship with URPS. 2. Ho2: there is no significance difference between male and female supervised students’ perception on URPS Level of commitment to student. European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 500 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR 3. Ho3: there is no significance difference between male and female supervised students’ perception on URPS discharging his duty to student expectation. 4. Ho4: there is no significance difference between male and female supervised students’ perception on URPS motivation to student. 5. Ho5 there is no significance difference between male and female students’ perception on URPS. 3. Methodology Survey design was adopted for the study. The study consisted of three universities, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University of Technology, (ATBU) Bauchi, from North East, Benue State University (BSU) Makurdi, from North Central and Imo state University (ISU) Owerri from the South East geo political zones of Nigeria. Of these universities only ATBU, Bauchi is the federal university. However, all the three universities are situated in each of the state’s capital. The population of the study consisted of 1969 (375, from ATBU, 759 from BSU and 759 from ISU) final year students from Faculty of Education in each university. The population is characterized by male and female students who have completed their research project work with aged range from 22-27 years. Proportionate stratify random sampling was used to select 322 students. Table 1: Proportion of sample students from each university as used in the study University Gender ATBU BSU ISU Total Male 41 63 67 171 Female 20 74 57 151 61 137 124 322 Total Supervised students project questionnaire (SSPQ) was developed, validated and used for data collection. The SSPQ instruments are made up two sections. Section A on bio data of the respondent while section B consisted of 10 items questions on five point Likert scale response ranging from Strongly Agree (SA) to Strongly Disagree (SD). The items are structured in such a way that half of the items (2, 4, 6, 7 and 9) are positive response items while the remaining half is negative response items. The scoring for the negative response items was reversed i.e., 1-5. The maximum score for all the items is 50 marks while the minimum score is 10 marks. Of the 10 items, items 1,3 and 9 were used to achieved the first objective of the study; item 6,7 and 10, the second objective; items 2, 4, and 8 the third objective and item 5 was used to achieved objective four of the European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 501 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR study. The overall response count for all the ten items was used to achieve objective five of the study. The SSPQ items were validated by senior lecturer in Measurement and Evaluation from ISU, Owerri. To determine the reliability of the SSPQ items, pilot testing was conducted with 30 students who had completed their research project work from Faculty of Science ATBU, Bauchi. Cronbach Alpha of 0.88 was obtained as the stability coefficient of the items. The instrument was administered and collected by each contributing author from each (ATBU, BSU and ISU) university. The study hoped to be significance to undergraduate project coordinators, URPS and researchers in similar field. The data was analyzed using weighted mean while chi square test was used for the testing of the hypotheses using Statistics Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). 4. Results Table 1a: Perception of supervised students on relationship with URPS Item Response SA A U D SD Weighted mean My relation with the supervisor was not cordial. I cannot call my supervisor on phone on issue related to my research work. I have confidence when meeting my supervisor. Score Male 64 168 9 28 65 Female 49 425 18 288 40 Score Male 31 48 84 252 125 Female 47 116 12 140 35 Score Male 130 68 32 148 46 Female 265 164 100 50 2 Table 1a shows the perception between male (Weighted (Weighted mean mean 29.62 score of =28.85) and female score of =30.4) supervised students on relationship with URPS. Overall Weighted mean score of 29.62 was obtained. Table 1b: Summary of responses based on gender Response SA A U D SD Male 121 125 39 144 84 Female 149 120 35 127 17 Table 1b, shows the summary of responses based on gender. Chi square computed from the result tabulated on Table1b revealed ѱ2 = 44.541, df = 4, ρ= .000 at α =0.05 level of significance. European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 502 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR Table 2a: Perception of supervised students on URPS Level of commitments to student Item Response SA A U D SD Weighted mean My supervisor always keeps to his promise. The time and attention given to me by my Score Male 225 248 111 42 6 Female 275 252 69 16 2 Score Male 300 276 33 50 6 365 180 12 8 25 22 32 54 244 270 27 34 72 296 45 supervisor were quite adequate. Female My supervisor does not guide me on how to Score Male do the outlined corrections on my research Female 39.97 work. Table 2a above revealed the perception of supervised students on level of commitments of URPS to student with over roll weighted mean score of 39.97 while male Weighted mean score = 42.64 and female Weighted mean score =37.29 were obtained. Table 2b: Summary of responses based on gender Response SA A U D SD Male 127 147 66 107 66 Female 155 125 51 86 36 From the summary of responses tabulated on Table 2b above, Chi- square computed revealed ѱ2 = 44.541, df = 4, ρ= .000 at α =0.05 level of significance. Table 3a: Perception of supervised students on URPS discharging his duty to the student expectation Item Response SA A U D SD Weighted mean I was guided by the supervisor on selecting Score Male 255 316 44 12 24 the research topic. Female 70 508 16 4 4 My supervisor assisted me on the choice of Score Male 220 304 15 87 7 correct statistics tool for data analysis. Female 270 328 6 22 2 My supervisor does not shows interest on my Score Male 8 36 48 260 320 research findings Female 6 124 9 272 60 40.63 Table 3a shows the perception of supervised students on URPS discharging his duty to the student expectation. Overall weighted mean score of 40.63 was obtained, while male Weighted mean score =43.47 and female Weighted mean score = 40.88 were obtained. European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 503 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR Table 3b: Summary of responses based on gender Response SA A U D SD Male 103 173 32 110 95 74 271 9 81 18 Female Chi square computed from the result tabulated on Table 3b shows ѱ2 = 55.036, df = 4, ρ= .000 at α =0.05 level of significance. Table 4a: Perception of supervised students on URPS motivation to student Item Response SA A U D SD Weighted mean I am afraid to ask my supervisor questions Score Male 56 39 264 250 50 related to my research work. Female 32 138 224 40 8 48.08 Result on Table 4a above, Perception of supervised students on URPS motivation to student. Weighted mean score of 41.53 and 30.6 were obtained for male and female students respectively. The over roll Weighted mean score of 48.08 was obtained. Table 4b: Summary of responses based on gender Response SA A U D SD Male 14 28 13 66 50 Female 25 16 46 56 8 Chi square computed from the result on Table 4b revealed ѱ2 = 55.036, df = 4, ρ<0.05 a level of significance. Table 5: Difference between male and female supervised students perception on URPS Responses SA A U D SD Total Male 365 473 150 427 295 1710 Female 403 532 141 355 79 1510 Total 768 1005 291 782 374 3220 Table 5 above shows the difference in perception responses between male and female supervised students on URPS. European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 504 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR Table 5b: Chi-square test computed Value df Asymp.sig (2-tail) Pearson – Chi square 1.251 a 4 .000 Likelihood Relation 132.652 4 .000 81.866 1 .000 Linear by linear Association No of valid cases 3220 0 cells (0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 136.46 5. Findings 1. There is significant (ѱ2 = 44.541, df = 4, ρ<0.05) difference between male (Weighted mean score = 28.85) and female (Weighted mean score =30.4) supervised students perception on the relationship with URPS. 2. Male have positive perception than female supervised students on level of UPRS commitments to student. 3. There is significant (ѱ2 = 55.03, df = 4 ρ<0.05) difference in gender (male Weighted mean score =43.47 and female Weighted mean score = 40.88) on supervised students perception on which URPS discharged his duty to student expectation. 4. That male (Weighted mean = 41.53) and female (Weighted mean = 30.6 supervised students differ on perception of motivation by URPS on supervised student. 5. Male and Female supervised students differ significantly (ѱ2 = 1.251, df = 4 ρ<0.05) on perception of URPS. 6. Discussion In discussion the results from the study, limitation on influence of gender on the supervisory relationship must be acknowledged. To achieve objective i of the study, results on Table 1a and Table 1b were used. From the result on Table1a, over roll Weighted mean score = 29.62 obtained shows acceptance of male and female supervised students perception on relationship with URPS. This shows that both students accepted that the relationship was cordial. However, Chi square computed from the result on Table 1b, revealed that, there is statistically significant (ѱ2 = 44.541, df = 4, ρ<0.05) difference between male and female supervised students perception on the relationship with URPS. Thus, the Ho1 was rejected. Finding from this shows that male (Weighted (Weighted mean mean score = 28.85) and female score =30.4) supervised students differ significantly on perception of European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 505 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR relationship between URPS and supervised students. Female have positive perception then male supervised students. Result on Table 2a shows over roll weighted mean Score = 39.97, this signify supervised students acceptance on the level of commitments of URPS to student expectation. However, result on Table 2b revealed chi square = 13.918, df= 4, ρ= .001 at α =0.05 level of significance. Thus, the Ho2 was rejected. Finding from this shows that there is statistically significant (ѱ2 = 13.918, df = 4 ρ<0.05) difference between male (Weighted mean score = 42.64) and female (female Weighted mean score =37.29) supervised students perception on URPS level of commitments to student. Male have positive perception than female supervised students on level of UPRS commitments to student. Result obtained on testing Ho3 was tabulated on Table 3b. From the result (Table3b) the Ho3 was reject at chi square = 55.03, df = 4 ρ= . at α = 0.05 level of significance. Although result obtained on Table 3a revealed weighted mean score = 40.63 shows supervised students acceptance on the perception on which URPS discharged his duty. However, finding from testing the Ho3 shows that there is significant (ѱ2 = 55.03, df = 4 ρ<0.05) difference in gender (male Weighted mean score =43.47 and female Weighted mean score = 40.88) on supervised students perception on which URPS discharged his duty to student expectation. Male have positive perception than female supervised students. Result on Table 4a shows male and female supervised students perception on motivation of URPS to student. Weighted mean = 48.08 was obtained which shows supervised students acceptance on the perception on motivation by UPRS to student. However, chi square computed on testing Ho4 was tabulated on Table 4b. Table 4b result, revealed significant (ѱ2 = 55.03, df = 4 ρ<0.05) difference between male and female supervised students perception on motivation by URPS to student. Thus, the H o4 was rejected at α = 0.05 level of significance. Finding from this, shows that male Weighted mean = 41.53) and female (Weighted mean = 30.6 supervised students differ on perception of motivation by URPS on supervised student. Male have positive perception than female supervised students. To achieve objective v, result tabulated on Table 5a was used to test the H o5 and the result was shown on Table5b. From the result (Table5b), Chi square = 1.251, df = 4, ρ= .001 at α=0.05 level of significance was obtained. Thus, the Ho5 was rejected at ρ<0.05 level of significance. Finding from this revealed that male and female supervised students differ significantly (ѱ2 = 1.251, df = 4 ρ<0.05) on perception of URPS. European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 4 │ 2017 506 Aminu Yusuf, Anthony O. Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR 7. Conclusion The study assessed gender difference on the supervised students’ perception of undergraduate research project supervision. Weighted mean scores on gender and over roll weighted mean score on each of the outlined objectives of the study were obtained. Hypotheses were equally tested at α = 0.05 level of significance. Although most of the literature on previous study focused on post graduate supervisors, however, there is need for researchers to focus on undergraduate research project study as it is the bases for future research work. 8. Recommendations Researchers to focus their study on undergraduate research project especially on opinion, perception and attitude of supervised students to supervisors. Similar studies to be carry out to verify the findings from this study. References 1. Ali, P.A., Watson, R., & Dhingraq, K. (2016). Postgraduate research students' and their supervisors' attitude towards supervision. International Journal of Doctorial Students, 11(1), 227-241. Retrieved from 2. Alvarez, B., & Dimmock, N. (2007). Faculty expectations of student research. In). F. In (Eds.. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. Admission of the American Library Association. 3. Azure, J. (2016). Students' perspective of effective supervision of graduate programme in Ghana. 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Ebubechukwu, Iornienge Moses Tarnum ASSESSMENT OF GENDER DİFFERENCE ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTİON OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PROJECT SUPERVİSOR Creative Commons licensing terms Author(s) will retain the copyright of their published articles agreeing that a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) terms will be applied to their work. Under the terms of this license, no permission is required from the author(s) or publisher for members of the community to copy, distribute, transmit or adapt the article content, providing a proper, prominent and unambiguous attribution to the authors in a manner that makes clear that the materials are being reused under permission of a Creative Commons License. Views, opinions and conclusions expressed in this research article are views, opinions and conclusions of the author(s). 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