European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 8 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.825312 THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTENT KNOWLEDGE OF PROSPECTIVE MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ON ALGEBRAi Ömer Şahin1ii, Yasin Soylu2 Amasya University, Faculty of Education, 1 Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Turkey Atat(rk University, Kazım Karabekir Faculty of Education, 2 Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Turkey Abstract: Explanatory-confirmatory research design, one of the mixed methods research designs, was used in this study to investigate content knowledge (CK) developments of prospective teachers regarding algebra. Cross-sectional study method, as a type of descriptive research and one of the non-experimental research designs, was used to collect quantitative data in the study. In the qualitative part of the study, case study was used. The participants of the study were composed of 176 prospective teachers studying in the elementary mathematics education department of a university in Turkey, who were first, second, third, and fourth year students with equal numbers. Interview, observation and knowledge test for algebra were used as the instruments for the purpose of study. One way ANOVA test was used to compare the means of the total scores of the prospective teachers obtained from Algebra Content Knowledge Test (ACKT) since ACKT score are normally distributed. According to the results of the study, it was observed that knowledge levels of the prospective teachers have developed as directly proportional depending on the class level. This development continued during the passing from second year to third year while it decelerates. In spite of this, it was observed that the development of CK accelerated again in the fourth This article was presented at ERPA International Congresses on Education 2016 (ERPA 2016). Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 181 5mer Şahin, Yasin Soylu THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTENT KNOWLEDGE OF PROSPECTIVE MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ON ALGEBRA year. In addition, it was also observed that the knowledge of prospective teachers in terms of CK was not at the desired level. Keywords: pedagogical content knowledge, preservice teacher, content knowledge, algebra 1. Introduction Algebra is one of the most important learning domains of the mathematics lesson since it is a means of problem-solving, and a mechanism that ensures understanding and defining mathematical relations Baş, Erbaş and Çetinkaya, ; Ususkin, . Thanks to algebra, we can easily solve complex problem situations by establishing simple equations, express the relations between different amounts and variables, and make generalization (Ususkin, 1995). Algebra has introduced a new momentum and practicality to mathematics with the symbolic structure it has brought to mathematics. However, when the relevant literature is examined, it is observed that students encounter many difficulties because of the abstract structure of algebra in the teaching process of algebra, which is very important for mathematics, and algebra seems frightening to students Akkaya and Durmuş, ; Stacey and MacGregor, ; Dede and Arg(n, ; Şahin and Soylu, ; Philipp, . Teachers play the most important role in eliminating these difficulties and ensuring effective algebra teaching Baş, Erbaş and Çetinkaya, Thames and Phelps, ; Dede and Arg(n, ; Kwong vd., ; Şahin vd., . Because the studies (Ball, carried out show that the knowledge of teaching mathematics of teachers is effective in the learning of students. In other words, it is necessary for teachers to have the adequate pedagogical content knowledge in order for algebra, which is among the abstract and hard to understand learning domains of mathematics, to be understood by students. Upon investigating teacher training programs, it is observed that there are constant new searches in the structure of teacher training programs and changes are frequently made. In this context, various teacher knowledge models were developed in order to ensure that teachers, who take a very important place in teaching activities, are better raised and developed, and the concept of pedagogical content knowledge comes to the forefront in these models developed (Ball et al., 2008; Grossmann, 1990; Ma, 1999; Marks, 1990; Shulman, 1986; Tamir, 1988). Teachers with the high level of pedagogical content knowledge can easily determine the errors and mistakes of students use the teaching strategies aimed at producing solutions to the problems that emerge during the teaching process, and explain the subject in accordance with the cognitive levels of students (Smith and Neale, 1989; Toluk-Uçar, 2011; Türnüklü, 2005). On the other hand, teachers with the inadequate pedagogical content knowledge encounter problems in European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 8 │ 2017 182 5mer Şahin, Yasin Soylu THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTENT KNOWLEDGE OF PROSPECTIVE MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ON ALGEBRA understanding students and eliminating student problems (B(t(n, ; Işıksal, . In this context, no matter how adequate the content knowledge of teachers is, they need to have strong pedagogical content knowledge in order for their teaching activities to become successful in order for the educational activities to have the expected features and quality (Türnüklü, 2005). The importance of teachers’ content knowledge has been emphasized in many studies carried out on teacher training. However, the relationship between the content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge was addressed in different ways in the models developed (Park and Oliver, 2008). Content knowledge was regarded as a separate category from pedagogical content knowledge in many teacher knowledge models (Grossman, 1990; Smith and Neale, 1989; Tamir, 1988) including that of Shuman (1987). Nevertheless, it was addressed as a sub-component of pedagogical content knowledge in certain teacher knowledge models (Hasweh, 2005; Loughran et al., 2006). The content knowledge, one of components of the pedagogical content knowledge that are strongly emphasized in the teacher knowledge models developed, consists of the theoretical knowledge teachers have in relation to the learning domain in which they teach (Shulman,1987). Shulman (1987) used two main structures while explaining the content knowledge. One of these structures is the means used for determining the accuracy and validity of the concepts and phenomena in the field (mathematics) (syntactic structure), while the second one consists of different ways used for creating content knowledge (substantive structure) (Dönmez, 2009). In the teacher knowledge model developed by Ball, Thames, and Phelps (2008) emphasized the concept of content knowledge more when compared to other models. In this model, content knowledge was divided into three different categories, being specialized content knowledge, common content knowledge, and horizon content knowledge. Among these categories, horizon content knowledge ensures that teachers transmit the concepts in a more intelligible way to students by ensuring that a relationship is established between the mathematical concept they will teach and the advanced forms of this concept. Upon examining the literature related to pedagogical content knowledge, it is observed that the studies carried out focus more on teachers and pre-service teachers working in the field of science (Hashweh, 1987; Käpyla, Heikkinen and Asunta, 2009). However, there are not many studies Baki, 2012; Bütün, 2012; Jenkins, 2010; Kleickmann vd., 2013; Şahin vd. on the level and development of pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics teachers and pre-service teachers. Kleickmann et al. (2013) conducted a cross-sectional study in order to determine the effect of the teacher training programs in Germany on the PCK and content knowledge developments of pre-service teachers. A survey consisting of open-ended questions was used in order to determine European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 8 │ 2017 183 5mer Şahin, Yasin Soylu THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTENT KNOWLEDGE OF PROSPECTIVE MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ON ALGEBRA the content and pedagogical content knowledge of teachers and pre-service teachers (first, third and fourth grades). Jenkins (2010) carried out a study with six pre-service teachers in order to determine the role of structured interviews for the pre-service teachers’ development of the knowledge of understandings students. Şahin et al. carried out a cross-sectional study by applying a test consisting of open-ended questions to third and fourth-grade pre-service teachers and mathematics teachers in order to investigate the PCK development of primary school mathematics pre-service teachers in relation to numbers. Şahin et al. only examined the development of the sub-components of knowledge of understanding students and instructional strategies. Bütün (2012) carried out a longitudinal study in which third and fourthgrade pre-service teachers participated in order to examine the development of content knowledge for teaching mathematics (instructional explanation, teaching method, belief) of pre-service teachers of the enriched learning environments. In his study, Bütün (2012) used scenarios, observations, lesson plans and selfassessment forms as data collection tools. In the studies carried out on the PCK development of pre-service teachers in the literature (Baki, 2012; Bütün, 2012; Jenkins, ; Kleickmann vd., ; Şahin vd. , it is generally observed that third and fourth-grade pre-service teachers make up the participants of the study together with teachers. Nevertheless, no study was encountered in which the PCK development of first, second, third and fourth-grade primary school mathematics pre-service teachers was examined together Aydın and Boz, ; Depaepe, Verschaffel ve Kelchtermans, 2013). In addition to these, only qualitative, only quantitative methods or mixed research methods in which only qualitative methods gained weight were generally preferred in the studies (Baki, 2012; Bütün, 2012; Jenkins, 2010; Kleickmann et al., 2013; Şahin et al. carried out (Depaepe, Verschaffel and Kelchtermans, 2013). Nevertheless, it was observed that the PCK development of pre-service teachers was not examined with the mixed research designs in which quantitative research methods gained weight. In this context, in this study, it was aimed to investigate the development of pedagogical content knowledge of middle school mathematics preservice teachers in algebra using quantitative and qualitative research methods together. In this study, the PCK development of pre-service teachers was examined in the context of the content knowledge given as a sub-component in many PCK models (Grossman 1990; Hasweh 2005; Shulman, 1987). Therefore, it is aimed to contribute to the literature on the development of pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics teachers by determining how the content knowledge of teachers in algebra develops. Furthermore, with this study, it is expected to get an idea regarding what level the content knowledge of pre-service teachers in algebra at the beginning of their European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 8 │ 2017 184 5mer Şahin, Yasin Soylu THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTENT KNOWLEDGE OF PROSPECTIVE MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ON ALGEBRA undergraduate education will reach at the end of their undergraduate education. In addition to these, it will also be seen whether the content knowledge levels achieved by pre-service teachers at fourth grade fit the expectations. Thus, it is expected for the results of this study to provide researchers, experts, managers and politicians with the ideas about the effectiveness of middle school mathematics teaching undergraduate program. For downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 8 │ 2017 185