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Thank you for visiting European Journals of Education Studies - a group of specialized journals focused on original scientific research, comparative studies, analyzes and reviews, global news and commentaries. The journals are published by Open Access Publishing Group (OAPub) and are the official publication of the European Open Access Research Association (EOARA).


Open Access Publishing Group is an independent academic publishing house located in Bucharest, Romania. OAPub Group publishes more than 30 on-line and print open access publications in a wide range of research areas: Arts and Humanities, Education and Social sciences, Formal and Applied sciences. As a global scientific publishing house, Open Access Publishing Group is devoted to the broadest distribution of its publications to non-profit institutions in developing countries ensuring that academic knowledge is accessible without any cost. An agreement between OAPub Group and International Network Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) permits the free access to any educational institution from a large number of countries from Asia, South America and Africa. The indexing of all the published research works in internationally open access databases like Academia.eduFigShare or DOAJ provides an instant and powerful worldwide distribution and recognition.


European Open Access Research Association (EOARA) is a non-governmental organization that was established in January 2012 with the purpose of the creation, dissemination and re-invention of knowledge, emphasized by the quintessence of amazing and innovative scientific research. It was spurred by the internal drive to expand the frontiers of academic research excellence and knowledge accessibility. The organization is dedicated to the advancement of research in all fields of study being focused on an open and efficient exchange of experimental knowledge and theoretical information between the academic researchers and scholars.


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