European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: 10.5281/zenodo.56703 Volume 2│Issue 1│2016 A COMPARISON OF DYSFUNCTIONAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STUDENTS OF RAZAVI UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES Mahmood Bahremand1, Mohsen Vaez Havas2 Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran 1 Imam Reza International University, Mashhad, Iran 2 Abstract: Inefficient mental representation and negative cognitive structures are occurring when a negative event would active inefficient schema. Negative schemas are continuing when people apply a false logic. For example, generalize too much negative items or have more attention to negative issues. One of the measures of inefficient thoughts is depression. Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders. The World Health Organization classified depression in the fourth row of the most acute problems of public health across the world. This disorder can disrupt people's normal life such that causes to severe reduction in enjoy daily activities such as socializing, recreation, sports, food, and sex. This inability is reliable and effective. For patient the food is tasteless, job is boring and former meaningful associations would become inane and meaningless. Depressed people are desperate and isolated in terms of emotional, in terms of cognitive features they are suffer from slowdown in thinking process, anxiety, obsessive, inability to make decisions, negative self-concept, self-blame and guilt delusions, in terms of energetic qualities they suffer from Fatigue, loss of appetite and sleep loss and delusions of sin and disease. Keywords: dysfunctional thoughts, coping, behaviour, mind, students Introduction Today poverty mobility has caused to failure in the physical, psychological and intellectual various social groups of society. Students also make up a large part of the population and as future professionals will be responsible for important affairs of Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved Published by Open Access Publishing Group ©2015. 47 Mahmood Bahremand, Mohsen Vaez Havas A COMPARISON OF DYSFUNCTIONAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STUDENTS OF RAZAVI UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES community, thus their physical and mental health is so important. It seems that exercise and activity in spare time of students has been very weak. Some studies are indicating locating physical activities after activities such watching TV, listening to music, spending time with friends and reading non-academic books (Rahmani, 2006). Although the results of some other studies show that students participate in physical activities in order to maintain health, mental-social positive effects, increasing body strength, enjoying and being with friends, improving mental and intellectual status and reducing stress (Tondnevis, 2009). Vaitla et al (2010) in a study suggested that doing physical activities causes to increased mental health indicators especially quality of life, self-esteem, life satisfaction and self-efficacy. Saed Jafary (2010) found in his research that most students of Orumieh city participate in sport activities with motivation of gaining exhilaration and feel pleasure. Mourfi and White (1995) showed that sport and physical activity have an important role in the Gnosticism and experience means. Stonez and Vais (2010) indicates the impact of incentives sense of competence, understanding of autonomy and strengthening relationships with others, on regular participation of children and teenagers in exercise activities. Undoubtedly, understanding the interests and motivations of students can be a proper guidance in the review strategies to attract them in exercise activities and help to recognize reasons of participate or not participate of these individuals. Razavi University of Islamic Sciences is one of the comprehensive and experienced universities in the country with a regional nature which is located in the shrine of Imam Reza and each year a large number of students from all over the country at different levels and in different fields of study participate in that. Given the state of physical health and mental health of this large number of students, especially those that are far away their family and are living in dormitories and are faced with increasing leisure time is far important. Particular situation of university, special culture of religious students and a high volume of courses and academic studies, all have created significant restrictions in line with perform physical activities which this items are indicating the importance of doing this research. This research considering the importance of subjects and results, intends to investigate spiritual Intelligence, mental health and dysfunctional thoughts in active and passive students of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences. The researcher hopes that this research will improve academic exercises and from the other hand helps physical and mental health of future of the country. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 48 Mahmood Bahremand, Mohsen Vaez Havas A COMPARISON OF DYSFUNCTIONAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STUDENTS OF RAZAVI UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES Dysfunctional thoughts With increasing technology and the transition from a traditional society to industrial society the volume of difficulties and human suffering are increased and we see complications such as Anxiety, depression, suicide, addiction, divorce, escape from school, emptiness, ...more than past. Along with these difficulties, psychologists and researchers have opened valuable ways before the eyes of people demanding health which are providing their mental health. The George Albi (1982) one of the fundamental components of mental health is the coping skills. In this research, we investigate this important factor. Resources and coping strategies Coping resources are characteristic of one's own which are exist before occurring stress such as self-esteem, a sense of mastery over the situation, cognitive styles, locus of control, self-efficacy and problem solving abilities (Vafaee and BoorBoor, 1999) while coping measures are thoughts and manners that are applied after facing a person with stress events among the important issues in this regard is the individual assessment of their own capabilities to deal with the problem. These assessments may be in accordance with the facts and actual capability of individual or may not be depend on his reality and abilities. Whatever the perceptions of the abilities and capabilities to deal with the difficulties is the main determinant to face with difficulties. If a person feels unable to do despite all the skills learned would not be able to cope with problems successfully. Evaluation of their ability to deal with problems is shaped in three stages which is more efficient in shape coping behaviors, in the first phase the individual evaluates the situation of predicting the stress situation, for example a person asks this question whether the situation is threatening or not? In the second phase the individual evaluates his abilities to doing a job in relation with stress situation, in this regard a person asks himself what can do for solving the problem. In third phase the person deals to reassess the situation whether his jurisdiction about sources or situation for facing problem has been correct or not. He reconstructs and modifies his behaviors on this basis (Dafee, 1997) Problem-focused coping strategy The copings focused on problem, includes direct mental and behavioral performances which are done in order to change and modify threatening environmental conditions. In European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 49 Mahmood Bahremand, Mohsen Vaez Havas A COMPARISON OF DYSFUNCTIONAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STUDENTS OF RAZAVI UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES other words, problem-focused coping strategy relates to individual efforts to change the situation and direct grapple with the problem (Pari, 1991, Moghaddasi translation, 1996). No one could obtain everything without effort. Decision making about that a person what do during stress is depended on his jurisdiction which this jurisdictions unfortunately influenced by negative emotions that are created due to past negative experiences. For example, a person who is in crisis, if in the past has a successful experience to influence the world for changing situation and in addition, depression has frustrated him, perhaps in spite of more affairs that he can do for modifying his situation, he would not try to deal with the issue. These individuals rather than know themselves the main actor in their life, they suppose themselves as victims of actions, behavior, and empathic of others. Infertility to their efficiency is a major obstacle to solve the problem because in this case, the person is not doing the least effort to solve the problem (Yavari, 1991, Moghaddasi translation, 1996). Kampaz et al (1988) in a research which have conducted in the field of method deal of teenagers with difficulties, resulted that individuals in situations which are using from problem-focused coping strategy, have more control over that situation. They suggested that teenagers in the face of stressful academic events are using from problem-focused method because they think that this difficulties are more controllable in reverse in social stressful events because they are less controllable mainly the emotion focused method is applied. Also, in research which has been done by Valing and Martink (1995) resulted that individuals that people who become desperate in their physical and academic activities have less control on the situation. They added that those students who feel they have mastered position can control the consequences of their performance and use solving methods about activities that their learning is difficult (Pari, 1991, translation of Moghaddasi, 1996). Based on conducted studies focused coping methods are more effective in controllable situations. Although for uncontrollable situations (The death of a loved one) mainly emotion-focused coping is more appropriate (Dafee, 1997). In problem-focused coping the individuals apply measures that we will refer to some of them: - active coping: is a process that the individual during it try actively for changing mental stress source. - based planning coping: in this coping the individual for control and sole problem examines different solutions depending on his thoughts and after that acts for solving the problem by choosing the best solution; - patient coping: includes restraint and avoid inane activities which results in becoming complexity of the issue and disrupting the process of problem-solving; European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 50 Mahmood Bahremand, Mohsen Vaez Havas A COMPARISON OF DYSFUNCTIONAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STUDENTS OF RAZAVI UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES - effective social support seeking coping: When a person finds he unable to solve the problem, he uses easily helps of individuals, this help to fitness of need and problem type can be obtaining information through guidance, consulting and absorption material or spiritual resources of others; - emotion-focused coping strategy: This deal includes all activities or thoughts a person applies to control and improve the adverse effects of stressful conditions, this coping are include: A: Seeking emotional support coping: includes individual efforts to gain moral support, empathy, sympathy and atmosphere of understanding and feeling understood by others; B: Positive reinterpretation coping: positive evaluation of events and situations which are depending on optimistic attitudes toward life events, this coping is more used for manage and control emotions and mental confusion rather than its relation to stress (Lazaros and Folkman, 1984); C: Coping depends on religious: in this cope the individual to get rid of his problems, he comes to religious practices such as prayer, trust and recourse to God and infallibles. Findings of Mc Kary and Ketsa indicates that this cope is useful for all people because ever acts like sources of emotional support and a means for positive change thus facilitate the other copes; D: Coping based on acceptance: includes of a proactive coping responses which a person accept the reality of stressful. This is important in conditions which stress source is not changeable (the death of a loved one) is useful (Karor et al quoted from Alimohammadi, 1992). Methods This research is practical which its results can be useful for students and authorities of Razavi University of Islamic sciences. Since the purpose of this research was doing comparison of dysfunctional thoughts between active and passive students of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences a casual method has used. Research population In this research given the realm of time and space research, the data population consists of all students of Razavi University of Islamic sciences which their number is 950 people. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 51 Mahmood Bahremand, Mohsen Vaez Havas A COMPARISON OF DYSFUNCTIONAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STUDENTS OF RAZAVI UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES Sample and Methods of Sampling Simple random sampling is used for sample selecting. Therefore, the selection will be carried out at least 280 members of the statistical population. But in order to prevent loss of the respondents and anticipate completion of the required information according to estimate of sample, 400 questionnaire were distributed which after gathering data and deleting corrupted questionnaires, 355 healthy questionnaires from required parts were returned and were considered as final sample. Research Tools The questionnaire consisted of 40 questions for gathering information. The statements of dysfunctional attitudes of the questionnaire: This scale which was developed in 1978 has been created for sensing dysfunctional schemas and maladaptive beliefs in adults (Visman and Back, 1978) and is one of the most well-known tools in the field of cognitive research (Back Brown, Stiro Visman, 1991). Personez 1993 and Barber and Derubis 1989, mentioned two tools of Dysfunctional attitude Scale and automatic thoughts questionnaire (Holdan and Kandal, 1980) as the most practical tools for measuring schema. Dysfunctional Attitude Scale has three versions. The main version which used sometimes contains 100 items, and two parallel versions which were extracted from the main version each have 40 items. Participants must be grade each of the items in a Likret spectrum. From this scale, it can be possible to determine emotional vulnerability and the psychological abilities into 7 value systems (being approved, love, success, perfectionism, requirements, omnipotence and autonomy). Average scores obtained for healthy people have been reported of 119 to 128 and higher scores indicating vulnerability. The relative statements with every item based on 7-item Likert scale is grading as following: Validity Cronbach's alpha is equal to 0.92; Correlation with the original form 0.97 and the validity of predictive health through the GHQ-28 scores were equal to 0.65. Statistical methods for analyzing data To analyze the data in this study, the descriptive and inferential statistics were used. In the descriptive part, frequency distribution table and two-dimensional concurrence, central indices (mean) and separation index (SD) has been used. In the inferential statistics section, according to developed hypothesis Kolmogorov-Smirnov test we used European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 52 Mahmood Bahremand, Mohsen Vaez Havas A COMPARISON OF DYSFUNCTIONAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STUDENTS OF RAZAVI UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES for determine normalizing of variables and comparative tests U of Mann-Whitney and Spearman correlation coefficient test. Results The research hypothesis testing There is no difference between dysfunctional thoughts and its components in passive and active students of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences. For comparison dysfunctional thoughts and its components in passive and active students of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences and according to non-normality of variables under investigation by using Kruskal-Wallis test the comparison has been done. Table 1: Kruskal-Wallis test, dysfunctional thoughts and its components in passive and active students of Razavi University of Islamic sciences Agent Group Descriptive findings mean SD Kruskal- Freedom Significant Wallis degree level Average chi square Rating test statistic Dysfunctional Passive 4.56 1.171 206.51 Active 3.8 0.785 148.39 28.154 2 0.0001 thoughts About dysfunctional attitudes, average score of DAS in disabled students 4.56 with SD 1.171 and average rating 51.206 and in active students 3.8 with SD 0.785 and average rating 148.39.the amount of chi-square Kruskal-Wallis test statistic value equivalent to 28.154 and freedom degree is2 and a certain level has a test equal to .0001, thus in the level of   0.05 reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis, it means that a there is a difference between score of dysfunctional attitudes in inactive students of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 53 Mahmood Bahremand, Mohsen Vaez Havas A COMPARISON OF DYSFUNCTIONAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STUDENTS OF RAZAVI UNIVERSITY OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES Table 2: Hoc test of comparison dysfunctional attitudes in inactive and active students of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences Row The first group 1 The second group Inactive students Meaningful level Active students 0.0001 Discussion and Conclusion There is difference between dysfunctional thoughts and its components in inactive and active students of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences. As noted in the fourth chapter, for compare dysfunctional thoughts and its components in inactive and active students of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, and according to non-normality of variables under investigation Kruskal-Wallis test has used. 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