European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science ISSN: 2501 - 1235 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1235 Available on-line at: 10.5281/zenodo.191087 Volume 2│Issue 5│2016 THE EVALUATION OF VIOLENT CONTENT GAMES FOR CHILDREN'S DEVELOPMENT Fikret Alincaki, Ö. Tarkan Tuzcuoğullari Gaziantep University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Gaziantep, Turkey Abstract: From the moment the child comes to the world, he finds himself in a social development. The communication with the mother and father first and then with the surroundings becomes stronger day by day. The greatest part of this communication comes to life through gameplay, which includes a period that will never end until death. This process; nowadays it often includes a cosmopolitan way of life in which the traditional structure has been lost in urban life. This habitat, where traditional values are lost and artificial, material and violent behaviors are prevailing instead, also allows for the formation of dramatic artificial games of the same genre. While the game is the most important element in the adoption of correct behaviors patterns in social life, which prepares and directs the life of the child, this degenerating harmful effect moves to a dangerous dimension like a weapon which is turned into public. In this study, it is tried to show how today some artificial games have left people alone and some violent games have directed their psychological tendencies in the future. Keywords: child development, play, violence Introduction The game is an indispensable life imitation for human beings and most of the time there is a preparation phase for life. The child is already confronted with the game from the moment he opens his eyes to the world. Movements and imitations of mother, father and other relatives of children, are their first games 5zhan and Muradoğlu, 1996). Again, the child; imitating these games they have encountered, and assume their role in Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved Published by Open Access Publishing Group ©2015. 61 Fikret Alincak, Ö. Tarkan Tuzcuoğullari THE EVALUATION OF VIOLENT CONTENT GAMES FOR CHILDREN'S DEVELOPMENT life from the first moment “lıncak, a . These games grow as the child grows location, time, scope will develop and continue to grow. In this process, while the game is the very definition of fun and at the same time an educational tool “lıncak, “lıncak et al., b , perhaps is a treatment way for physical, physiological and social aspects “lıncak et al., Zengin et al., . The play giving the opportunity of desire to gain and to win, also it comes out as a preliminary experiment to the difficulties of life. While the game was thought of as an insignificant part of life, Dutch historian Huzingi introduced the concept of Humo Ludens (actor human), which brought a new dimension to human society. According to Huzingi, play is preceded by culture. It is not the outcome or coincidence of various cultures, but the main influence in the birth of various forms of culture (And, 2012). The game is a life-linked, voluntary movement because it is not directly concerned with meeting biological needs. Although there are significant contributions to physical, social, psycho-social and personal development, it is seen that the game is not a concrete producer activity, since it has no direct impact on property acquisition Georges, . Play, which exists from primitive times to today’s life, but is constantly in the process of change, has provided important opportunities for scientists of all ages to recognize and understand the society and the human being as a material and spiritual cultural element. Because, the game; from ritual origins to the present-day existence, conduce the relevance of very different behaviors and the reasons that cause it. While examining the social sciences, psychology, sociology and anthropology have different evaluations in terms of examining games and behaviors arising from them, and when they are examined from the perspective of health sciences, they gain important contributions in terms of increasing the qualities and quality of life that physical activity brings to metabolism. When we look at the historical process, researches about leisure activities and games started first in the early 18th century. From the beginning of the 19th century, folklorists began their archival studies without a certain classification. The main purpose of these studies is; in general, collecting and organizing text and commenting on the sources of traditional entertainments and trying to predict the sources of specific games (Georges, 2009).It seems that in classifying games is based on the kinds of basic behaviors that emerged during the game. We see classifications made by Roger Caillois in terms of the widest scope in the classification of games. Caillois made this classification according to four main groups: 1. Chance Games, 2. Show Role Games, 3. Adventure Excitement Games, 4. Struggle Competition Games (Hazar, 1996). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 5 │ 2016 62 Fikret Alincak, Ö. Tarkan Tuzcuoğullari THE EVALUATION OF VIOLENT CONTENT GAMES FOR CHILDREN'S DEVELOPMENT All the traditionally existing games are found in the classification of Caillois. However, it seems that this classification is inadequate in the millennium, when technological developments are high. Because, the change of sociocultural structure because of the effects of factors such as migrations, technological developments, economic difficulties, have killed the game culture, which has allowed the society to develop its genius, its commitment, its mutual respect and the building of love, instead it has derived artificial technological games which are unrealistic, violent and adversely affect moral development (Ayan et al., 2015).It is evident that this individualized and barbaric way of life gradually abandons the achievements that have strengthened spirituality such as cooperation, respect, cooperation, and justness that are traditionally achieved. 2. Method In the study, using the method of searching sources, domestic and foreign studies were evaluated and the literature was created. In the direction of the determined aim, the data obtained through the articles, books and internet was organized, analyzed and by observing the behaviors of the children they have been interpreted and reported. 3. Results It has been seen that computer games that have risen to a significant level over the last 10 years include a structure that emits and encourages violence. When we look at the volume of computer games in the world and in Turkey, unfortunately we are in the front lines. According to Newzo, a research company, Turkey spends 39 million hours a day for e-games. It is stated that the annual cost is 400-500 million dollars and it occupies the third place in the world market (Bozkurt, 2014). Again, according to the TUDOF report by 2013, it has been determined that the number of digital game users in Turkey is approximately 22 million. This figure indicates to us that there is a significant dependency problem. Dependents were predominantly men of 14-25 years of age. Common point of dependents; they play online battle-action games. It is known that there are people who spend 16-18 hours a day playing on the computer between them (Mutlu, 2014). Today, television has become an indispensable tool for children, and television is the first source that teaches the child the ruthless realities of the outside world. Children play in their games much more than real heroes, and they imitate the heroes in their plays (Rigel, 1995). European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 5 │ 2016 63 Fikret Alincak, Ö. Tarkan Tuzcuoğullari THE EVALUATION OF VIOLENT CONTENT GAMES FOR CHILDREN'S DEVELOPMENT Smackdown is a fake TV show with some serious ratings on television. This game, which first appeared as an American wrestling and pancreas wrestling, was a technique-intense violent sport, but today it has become a game in which wrestlers are revealed as idols, pre-written with the title of Smackdown. The characteristics of this gobbled wing increase the viewing rate even more. Adults know that these games are a trick, but children find this game more realistic than adults. Until 11 to 12 years of age, this game is imitated by one-on-one or group violence, and after 13-14 years of age, the individual continues to watch without being imitated. It seems that after a certain age, children understand that this game is a script based trick, and they end up violating each other. 4. Discussion and Conclusıon Even if a game played against a computer or against other real people in a virtual environment seems to be out of the real world, instant messages and shares in the game can easily push people who are thousands of miles away from each other into an atmosphere of conflict and violence. Multi-user On-Line Game attracts the interest of children, a need for socialization and elimination. It may be beneficial to increase the quality of education by using this game logic which is highly interested in education. However, cases based on violence have begun to be uncommon. Someone who was addicted to games in France got too close to the game he played and found his counterpart in the computer game Counter-Strike in real life and stabbed him in the chest (Akçakaya, 2013). Again, in recent years it has been observed that extreme violence cartoons and some television programs affect children negatively, even though they seem to be directed at children. “ccording to a study conducted by G(rol and Serhatlıoğlu , they observed that watching television programs that are violent on television increases the level of fear and anxiety in children and that they observed differences on developmental skills between children who do not have a tendency to violence and those who have a tendency to gain G(rol and Serhatlıoğlu, . Eron and Huesmann (1990) have followed a group of children for 22 years and have reached a conclusion that there is a linear relationship between violence on television and aggression and criminality in adulthood “kpınar, “ktaş, . Traditional street games, however, provide opportunities for these conflicts to end in the game without being experienced as individuals. Because no child would ever want to stay out of play. In this sense, we saw violent games in traditional life Milla Harar. Although the games such as Oily Belt, Meses involve violence, they have hard rules. Even more important, it does not allow the deceit to be in contradiction with the European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science - Volume 2 │ Issue 5 │ 2016 64 Fikret Alincak, Ö. Tarkan Tuzcuoğullari THE EVALUATION OF VIOLENT CONTENT GAMES FOR CHILDREN'S DEVELOPMENT fair-play mentality. Moving in group, fairness, respect and post-game heartfelt are important elements and they contain non-written rules in which those who are in contradictory behavior and behavior are punished or left out of play. However, today's violent games like Smack Down allow for fraud and forgery, and even such behavior is treated as if it were part of the show. References 1. “kçakaya, Ü. . Çağımızın Gizli Tehlikesi ”ilgisayar Oyunu ”ağımlılığı 2. Akpınar, ”. . Çocukların Televizyon İzleme Davranışlarının Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi. Çağdaş Eğitim, 3. “ktaş, Y. -45. . Televizyonun çocuğun gelişimi (zerindeki etkileri. Yaşadıkça Eğitim Dergisi, 4. “lıncak, F. , , -21. a . Attitudes of secondary school students including physical activity involving playing games. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 2(3), 1-14. 5. “lıncak, F. . Evaluation of opinions of primary school teachers on the method of education with game. 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