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No teacher can achieve aims of writing English without proper use of interesting activities in order to create ad retain motivation among the target learners. In other words, simply speaking, technology especially online platforms have created avenues in education sector especially in learning of English in a foreign or second language perspective.

Among other skills of a language, writing is the most productive skill as it is perhaps the best and most accurate form of expression. It has been noticed that many EFL learners develop proficiency in speaking, but they face challenges in writing.

Therefore, it is important to explore deeper to find out learning needs of the writing skill with appropriate help of technology integration in and outside of an English class.

The present study conceives that following issues are key to EFL situation with special reference to writing:

1. Technology type (computers (all types), Facebook, Twitter, Blackboard etc.), 2. Preferred technologies/media by teachers as well as learners, 3. Writing skill and use of technology, 4. Availability/ feasibility of technologies/media, 5. Preparedness and training of the concerned staff for the application of technology, 6. Assessing the importance of available technology.

Literature Review

It is important to study what Sanders and Morrison (2000) say about the second language learners' perception on computer application and attitude towards learning English language. In their opinion, it is a significant variable when a pedagogue considers use and application of various technologies and tools important in the classrooms which are genuinely equipped with tools and platforms simultaneously with teachers' preparedness as well as learners' motivation. According to Well (2000), Holmes (1998) and Klassen & Milton, (1999) Technology integration stimulates and enhances learning? In this regard, Jonassen (2000) can be referred as he says that a computer is nothing but a mind tool.

The author persuades users to incorporate technology-based instruction. experienced, instructors/teachers can muster self-confidence to be able to further exploit the opportunities in the area of technology use. (Knezek, Chiristensen, & Rice, 1996).

However, such aspiring teachers will ultimately require proper and right level of attitude and motivation towards equipping them with technology and its application in writing classes in particular. (Lam, 2000).

Figure 2000

Factors affecting technology integration

A lot of factors can be identified that directly or indirectly exert effect on use of educational technology. Debski's (2000) study revealed that teachers opted to undertake a project related to computer enhanced teaching. They did not do due to internal motivation rather they were administratively pressurized to enhance their awareness of technology and its use. If this is the case, motivation factors will negatively affect the skills of technology utilization. It is a fact that not all the teachers are aware not interested in using technology as this affects their routine, and sometimes their skill may be exposed to the supervisors or administrators. It is a fact that technology integration largely depends on environment and technology friendly setting. Else, the efforts may not be that successful. In this regards, Cuban (1996) feels that the supporters and advocates of technology integration perhaps could not realize that social organization and its setting can be one factor of inhibition in the process of technology integration.

Importance of Apps


Twitter is a valuable as a communication and broadcasting tool. Twitter is generally used to send a message straight to your audience to get content delivered.

Twitter offers and facilitates communication between different parties in a public

forum. It allows the user to get instant feedback from target audience/clients. As the communication on Twitter is open for everyone else to follow, it follows transparencies and responsibility required for public communications. Twitter communications reach a larger audience instantly therefore some users prefer twitter as a tool of communication on other tools.


Facebook is perhaps the most exploited social site. Apart from general networking, Facebook can also be used for learning English especially the practice of writing: short messages or a story.

Blackboard Learning System

Blackboard (Bb) can provide access to the users to utilize multiple content formats. The contents may include some of these: images, animations, text, audios, videos and useful graphs.

There are many tools and programmes within blackboard as under:

Apart from teaching, Blackboard can be used as an effective assessment tool.


Total 91 English language learners (from one college at KAU-Jeddah, KSA) constitute the sample of the participants. Their participation was purely voluntary.


Qualitative research methodology was used in the present study. Questionnaire was chosen to collect required data, therefore the researcher used a self-made questionnaire which validity and reliability was tested via a pilot study much before the actual data collection process started. In addition, content validity was tested by consulting 8 experts in the concerned field of research.

Procedure and Method

As mentioned above data were collected through students' questionnaire (Appendix-A Around 39% agree that they can improve their overall comprehension in English. 57% confirm that they can improve their writing ability (due to online platform/apps/social networking etc).

Findings, Results and Discussion

Based on data analysis and interpretation, following is the summary of the interpretation of the results:

More students use mobiles as tool. 92% confirmed they have internet at home. have been found as very important tools for classroom learning, and even at home while making an online access to different software and programmes.

Since most of the learners have access to different types of computers and other facilities, it is inevitable not to ignore technology utilization in education sector.