European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │Issue 10 │2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1064999 EFFECTIVENESS OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING PROGRAMS IN MANAGING INDISCIPLINE CASES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BURETI SUB-COUNTY, KERICHO COUNTY, KENYA Hellen Chelagat Kesui1, Joshua Manduku2, Hellen Sang3 Postgraduate Education Student, 1 University of Kabianga, Kenya 2,3 Dr., Lecturers-School of Education, University of Kabianga, Kenya Abstract: There are many public secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County. Most of the students in these secondary schools have been facing cases of indiscipline for many years and these cases seem to be increasing as years go by causing a lot of concern to the school management, parents and the communities at large. Although counseling is offered in the secondary schools, there has been a rise in indiscipline cases at an alarming rate as experienced especially in 2016. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of guidance and counselling programs on managing indiscipline cases in secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County, Kericho County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to investigate the competence of teachers in providing guidance and counselling programs in secondary schools in Bureti SubCounty and to establish the attitude of students and teachers on guidance and counselling programs in secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County. The theoretical framework adopted by the study was the Social Learning theory by Albert Bandura (1977) and Operant Conditioning theory by B.F. Skinner (1948). The Social Learning and Operant Conditioning theories were adopted because they help to change the behavior of the students and thus help to reduce indiscipline cases in schools. The target population comprised 52 public secondary schools, 52 head /deputy head teachers, 52 teacher counsellors, 540 teachers and 10532 students. Out of all these, a sample of 10 secondary schools, 10 head/deputy head teachers, 10 teacher counsellors, 108 teachers and 2106 students were selected through the Purposive sampling technique. Stratified Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 762 Hellen Chelagat Kesui, Joshua Manduku, Hellen Sang EFFECTIVENESS OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING PROGRAMS IN MANAGING INDISCIPLINE CASES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BURETI SUB-COUNTY, KERICHO COUNTY, KENYA Sampling technique was used to select the secondary schools that were studied whereby the strata consisted of mixed day boarding school, mixed day school, boys’ only boarding school, girls’ only boarding school and girls only day schools. The instruments that were used to collect the data for the study were questionnaires for head/deputies, teacher counsellors, teachers and students and interview schedules were administered to the teacher counsellors and to deputy head teachers. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and tested using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient using Statistical Package of Social Sciences. Questionnaires were analyzed using summary tables for the purpose of data presentation and interpretation. The expected findings were used to guide policy makers in providing guidance and counselling programs in secondary schools. These findings will be useful in the schools. Keywords: guidance, counselling programs, managing indiscipline, secondary schools, Kenya 1. Background of the Study Guidance and counseling programs have been there from time immemorial (Chai, 2000). In the olden days, our great grandparents used to guide and counsel their children using traditional means, for example using stories, proverbs, and sayings in order to deter the youth from committing crimes or going against the rules and regulations of the society. Taboos and cultural practices were also followed in order to instill discipline (Denga, 2001). At the turn of 20th century, school counsellors in Africa did not exist but rather, teachers used a few minutes of their day to provide students with vocational guidance Bower & Hatch, . In the early 9 ’s,an influx of various types of students in the public schools occurred as a result of industrial revolution initiating the development of the school guidance movement (Gysbers, 2003). Various government policy documents, since independence, like the Ominde report (1964), the Gachathi report (1976) and the Kamunge report (1988) have recognized the role of guidance and counselling in the administration and management of student discipline in Kenya. It is believed that even the most primitive societies grew out of the necessity of guiding individual behaviour patterns in the interest of the group (Eyo, 2006). It was realized that indiscipline cases were increasing in schools, for example cases like fighting, theft, assault, vandalism, destruction of school property like stores, libraries European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 10 │ 2017 763 Hellen Chelagat Kesui, Joshua Manduku, Hellen Sang EFFECTIVENESS OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING PROGRAMS IN MANAGING INDISCIPLINE CASES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BURETI SUB-COUNTY, KERICHO COUNTY, KENYA and other cases like harassments, riots, use of drugs and alcohol, rape, loss of lives through suicides and abortions. The Ministry of Education(2002) recommended that guidance and counselling be taught using subjects like religious education, social education and ethics to enable the school promote the growth of self-discipline among students (Ministry of Education, 2009). Achoka (2007) explained that discipline problems may include destructions of school Property, laziness, drug abuse and boy-girl relationships and killings. In 1980 22(0.9%) of schools recorded cases of indiscipline in Kenya. This increased to 187(7.2%) in 1990 (Simotwa, 2007). These cases of indiscipline have continued to increase unabated to the extent that in 2001, the Ministry of Education (MOE) introduced guidelines on safety in schools. The President appointed a taskforce headed by the then Director of Education whose mandate was to meet stakeholders, gather views and information and make recommendations in order to stem the culture of violence taking root in secondary schools in Kenya, Republic of Kenya(2001). Various reports of committees and taskforces recommended the use of guidance and Counselling in schools for management of student discipline (Edet, 2008). Kamunge report of 1988, asserts that guidance and counselling of youth in secondary schools is essential in the identification of their interests, needs, correction and assistance to enable them face the realities of life. It further states that each school should have a mature teacher responsible for the co-ordination of guidance and counselling programs being carried out by other teachers (Kamunge report, 1988). The report of the taskforce on student indiscipline and unrest (GOK, 2001) recommended the strengthening of guidance and counselling division within the Ministry of Education to co-ordinate the activities of guidance and counselling in the country. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 10 │ 2017 764