European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 11 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1068503 CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EFECTS OF AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA USE IN BIOLOGY PEDAGOGY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KENYA Kiyeng Edwin1i, Ruth W. Thinguri2 1 School of Education, Mount Kenya University, P.O. Box. 432 – 0100, Thika, Kenya 2 Dr., School of Education, Mount Kenya University, P.O. Box. 432 – 0100, Thika, Kenya Abstract: The main purpose of the current study was to critically analyse the effects of audio and visual media use in Biology Pedagogy in Secondary Schools in Kenya; the outcome of the current study show indicates that there is a positive relationship between facility of Audio Visual Media and teachers’ attitudes towards teaching biology. The results report that high school teachers of biology to realize the contribution of using Audio Visual media in teaching Biology. Teachers who have been trained can effectively use audio visual media. The finding indicates that trained teachers can utilize Audio and Visual Media effectively in teaching Biology by increasing motivation of learner in a classroom. Keywords: media, pedagogy, biology 1. Introduction The current education is under constant change in policies, procedures and methods can be clearly observed. Change is always welcomed at different levels of education system as required but should always be in harmony with religion, style and society. There is an intensive change in every level of current education system that Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 573 Kiyeng Edwin, Ruth W. Thinguri CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EFECTS OF AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA USE IN BIOLOGY PEDAGOGY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KENYA incorporates practical and dynamic approach in existing and new fields aimed at awakening the hidden learners’ curiosity. These habits are nourished and allow learners to acquire skills in life enabling them think critically and judge themselves in a beneficial way. Learners should gain confidence to acquire and explore life fully through inquisitive mind. Learners were passive listeners before incorporation of modern technology in the field of education (Andambi, 2013). Use of audio visual media is considered to be giving learners focus at 85% of the whole lesson being taught. Media Aids makes teaching more appealing and memorable since learners utilize their senses of touch, hearing and seeing for individual learners who gain attention towards their teacher through a play or a topic that plays a vibrant role to them. Research indicates that learners recall a tenth of what they listen to, 20% of their reading and 80% of their observation and actions (Andambi, 2013) Acoustic visual media is the most efficient tool used to develop interactions between the teacher and the student. These tools not only save time of the teacher but also help to arouse creativity, curiosity and motivation; that emphasizes on comprehensive knowledge as well as concepts of developing sound foundation for further studies. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 11│ 2017 574