European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │ Issue 11 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1068513 EXAMİNATION OF TRAINER COMMUNICATION SKILLS PERCEIVED BY ATHLETES ACCORDING TO SPORT FIELDS Doğan Ümit Savcı1, Uğur Abakay2 1 Gaziantep University, Health Sciences Institute, Turkey 2 Gaziantep University, Hight School of Physical Education and Sport, Turkey Abstract: This research is a descriptive study that aims to examine coach communication skills perceived by athletes according to branches. A total of 767 active athletes (517 male, 250 female) in Gaziantep were chosen as the study group on a volunteer basis. Quantitative data were collected using Coach Communication Scale in Football developed by Abakay and Kuru (2009) (in order to obtain research data). Data collected from the study group were analyzed and reported according to the athletes’ demographics and other variables discussed in the research. The data obtained from the scale were first transferred to the electronic environment and then calculated using SPSS 22.0 package program. Arithmetic mean, One-Way “NOV“, Spearman’s rho rs correlation test and t-test were used for analyzing the data, for comparing the mean scores in the unrelated measures, for examining the relationship between the variables, and for Independent samples, respectively. In conclusion, in this study we conducted to determine the coach communication skills perceived by the team – and individual athletes and to reveal the differences in terms of various variables, it was found that this ratio differed significantly between individual athletes while the coach communication skills perceived by two athlete groups were high. Our findings showed that the perceived coach communication skills tended to decline in situations where the sporting history of individual athletes increased. It has been established that their communication skills improved in the situations where educational background enhanced although there was also no gender difference in both sports groups. It has been concluded that the perceived coach communication skills also improved in the situations where it would Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 581 Doğan Ümit Savcı, Uğur “bakay EX“MİN“TION OF TR“INER COMMUNIC“TION SKILLS PERCEIVED ”Y ATHLETES ACCORDING TO SPORT FIELDS tend to increase in some variables such as athlete’s age, coach’s age and duration of training with the same coach. Keywords: individual, team, trainer, communication 1. Introduction The main aim of the athletes and coaches in sports environment is to obtain high performance in the competitions and to ensure the continuation of this performance. Therefore, ensuring high performance is both an automatic process and it also includes a good orientation and a correct psychological preparation (Abakay 2010). The communication of the athletes with their coaches is a matter that is between two individuals and included in the scope of interpersonal communication. Therefore, we can say that the behaviors of the individuals against each other in the prepared situations include the laughter; physical expressions, gestures, mimics and verbal and non-verbal expressions cover inter-personal communication type “lıncak ; Lazar 2001). In the manner of approaching of coaches to the athletes, they must have an aim to establish an efficient and healthy cooperation “lıncak, . “nyway, while the behavior of the coaches is strengthening the connection in communicative sense, it will help to remove the factors which may adversely affect the performances of the athletes “lıncak 2016; Güven 1996). In the communication between the athlete and the coach, concepts such as the messages that the coaches want to convey to the athletes, the outlooks and approaches to the events, the leadership styles of the coaches and the understanding of the game reflected to the athletes also reveal the coaching philosophies of the coaches. The philosophy of coaching is expressed as a specific factor in the content of the decisions taken on the team, what strategic and tactical behaviors are to be taught, how the training should be programmed, what methods are used in disciplining the athletes and what roles should be given to individuals in putting in a good performance (Ayan et al 2017; Cengiz 2009). Coaches must first communicate well and effectively with the athletes in order to be able to realize their philosophy. Because an effective communication between the coach and the athlete is considered as an important factor in increasing the performance of the athlete individually and the team (Abakay 2010). In the relationship between the athletes and the coach, if it is thought that both observable and perceived coach behaviors affect the performance of athletes, it is stated that in the investigation of the coach-athlete relationships in terms of perceived European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 11│ 2017 582 Doğan Ümit Savcı, Uğur “bakay EX“MİN“TION OF TR“INER COMMUNIC“TION SKILLS PERCEIVED ”Y ATHLETES ACCORDING TO SPORT FIELDS behaviors will offer important information for successful or effective coaching “lıncak et al ; “ltıntaş et al., . Individual communication skills that are important in daily life or sports environment is a matter that should be emphasized and not to be ignored in terms of the researchers who work in the psychosocial field of sport. In this study performed in the light of this information, determining whether there are differences of coach communication skills perceived by the athletes in terms of the status of the athletes' branches constitutes the main aim of the study. It has also been seen as an important issue in the research problems of differences in the coach communication skills perceived by the athletes in the factors such as the athletes' learning situations, their ages, the years of playing sports, the duration of coaching and the duration of coaching of coaches. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 11│ 2017 583