European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: Volume 3 │Issue 11│2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1095213 JOB MOTIVATION LEVEL FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS WHO MADE FIELD CHANGES Mehmet Akif Erdeneri, Merve Dalkıran Educational Leadership, Necatibey School of Education, Balıkesir University, Turkey Abstract: The aim of this research is to determine the job motivation levels of primary school teachers who have made or have had to make field changes due to the new education system (4+4+4). The sample of the research consists of 512 teachers working in primary and secondary schools in Balıkesir province in -2017. The data needed for the research were obtained through the Job Motivation Scale that consisted of 18 items in accordance with the survey research model in quantitative research methods. In the analysis of the data, techniques such as Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were used. As a result of the research, significant differences were found in organizational-managerial and psycho-social dimensions of job motivation in terms of gender, school type and field change. Keywords: job motivation, 4+4+4 education system, teacher, field change 1. Introduction It is an undeniable fact that organizations must adapt to the constantly changing environment in order for them to continue their lives. Educational organizations, like every organization, are also affected by these changes in their surroundings. The closest example is the introduction of the new education system known as 4+4+4 in 2012-2013 academic year and 12 years of compulsory education. In the new system, students are Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 691 Mehmet Akif Erdener, Merve Dalkıran JOB MOTIVATION LEVEL FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS WHO MADE FIELD CHANGES required to attend primary school for the first four years, secondary school for the second four years and high school for the last four years (Güven, 2012). In addition, the age of starting school was reduced to enforce compulsory primary school age children in the 6- age group Yıldırım, . One of the main objectives of educational organizations is to increase the performance of teachers and to ensure that their goals are carried out efficiently. However, teachers need to be motivated first to improve their performance. Because employees with low motivation do not or cannot use the entire capacity (Örücüler & Kambur, 2008, Sezer, 2012). Research shows that motivation is important not only in educational organizations but also in other organizations. When the researches made in recent years are examined, it is seen that job motivation is subject to many studies and its relation with different organizational variables is examined. These variables related to job motivation can be given as examples; organizational climate (Aksoy, 2006), participatory school culture Tanrıverdi, , emotional commitment Ağca & Ertan, 2008), job satisfaction (Toker, 2006; Yavuz & Karadeniz, 2009), organizational culture Yılmaz, performance 9 , stress factors Şenel, management in , organizational commitment (Oran, 2012), organizations Mercanlıoğlu, , employee performance and intent to leave work Yıldız, Savcı, & Kapu, 2014), organizational health G(çl(, Recepoğlu, & Kılınç, , organizational justice Abbasoğlu, . Robins and Judge (2013) described motivation as a power felt within a person, which activate the person for a certain purpose, direct to work, and increase the desire to work on the person. In this context, job motivation can be defined as an important phenomenon in organizational behavior as a factor that directs and influences the behavior of employees (Örücü & Kambur, 2008). The lack of effectiveness and productivity of the employees who are at the head of today's problems arises from the fact that employees cannot be motivated enough internally or externally. If employees, no matter how well equipped they are, cannot be motivated and if their performances are not fairly assessed or they think this way, the required efficiency cannot be obtained from the worker (Tunçer, 2013). In this research, it will be examined whether the gender, school type and field variables of the teachers who change the field due to the new system working in elementary and junior high school affect the job motivations. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 3 │ Issue 11 │ 2017 692