European Journal of Education Studies ISSN: 2501 - 1111 ISSN-L: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: 10.5281/zenodo.167625 Volume 2│Issue 9│2016 THE EFFECTS OF MICROTEACHING PRACTICES ON PRE-SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING PROFESSION Uğur Abakay1i, Fikret Alincak1, Hayri Demir2 Gaziantep University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Gaziantep, Turkey 1 Selçuk University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Konya, Turkey 2 Abstract: The present research is a descriptive study, conducted in order to define the effects of microteaching practices on pre-service physical education and sports teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession. The research was conducted on 60 individuals, who studied at Gaziantep University, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching and took Special Teaching Methods II course in 2015-2016 academic year. In order to collect data for the present research, Attitude Scale towards the Profession of Teaching developed by Üst(ner was employed. For data collection, a -week microteaching practice was implemented on pre-service physical education and sports teachers. Data collection tool was implemented on the work group twice, before and after the implementation. Collected data were analysed on SPSS 22.0 program. PairedSamples t test was utilized as the statistical method. According to the obtained findings, pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession are high positive , and microteaching practice affected pre-service physical education and sports teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession positively. Keywords: microteaching, physical education, sports, pre-service teacher Introduction Education is the oldest concept in the history, which dates back to the ancient times and reaches today. Societies that existed since the creation of the world until today Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved Published by Open Access Publishing Group ©2015. 127 Uğur Abakay, Fikret Alincak, Hayri Demir THE EFFECTS OF MICROTEACHING PRACTICES ON PRE-SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING PROFESSION maintained their existence by transferring the values they created to new generations (Karaman, 2014; Abakay, 2013). Education is defined as the studies conducted to develop the mind and body, emotional and social skills and behaviours in the most appropriate or desired direction, while teaching is defined as transferring of knowledge by teachers to students using educational tools in an organized and regular manner, generally at a teaching institution (Akyüz, 2013). The purpose of education is developing the knowledge and skills of individuals for their adaptation to the society they are in and the outer world. Individuals need to be educated in a way that they can affect the contemporary developments. This is only possible with a good educational system and a qualified teaching staff. Teachers’ being skills is important yet not enough (Dilaver, 1996). Balanced, effective and efficient employment of teachers, and enhancing their working and living conditions are as important (Çelikten, 2005). Pre-service teachers experience anxiety during teaching practices. From this perspective, microteaching practices are effective in preparing teachers for classroom experiences and reducing the anxiety they experience at the beginning of their professional life K(lahçı, Kuran, Uzunboylu and H(rsen 2011). Method variety is a universal rule for effective teaching. There are no limits for the number of methods to be used in effective teaching. Teachers can develop new methods using their skills (Küçükahmet, 2004). For this reason, teachers should be able to make use of active student based methods, such as cooperative teaching, brainstorming, discussion, creating conceptual maps, creative drama, programmed teaching, computer assisted teaching and micro-teaching. Microteaching combines theoretical studies with practical studies in teacher education and aims at effective activities. Pre-service teachers are both teachers and students in this method. There is the cycle of teach-reteach. Pre-service teachers plan and teach the subject they choose. In accordance with the critics and evaluations provided for their teaching, they re-plan and reteach their lesson (Koçak et al., 2005). Considering the positive reflections of the qualified teachers on student achievement in qualified education, many reforming movements intended for both teacher training system and teaching processes have been developed periodically in the last century (Lukin et al., 2004). For a successful teacher-training program, providing pre-service teachers with effective learning and teaching tactics and experiences should be the objective İsmail, . In terms of this objective, the purpose of microteaching practices can be defined as encouraging prospective teachers in the classroom about their attitudes and skills Şen, . The main objective of microteaching practices used European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 2 │ Issue 9 │ 2016 128 Uğur Abakay, Fikret Alincak, Hayri Demir THE EFFECTS OF MICROTEACHING PRACTICES ON PRE-SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING PROFESSION in the classroom is providing pre-service teachers with the important knowledge, skills and behaviours before they start their service (Demirel, 2009). The purpose of microteaching is making pre-service teachers bring their knowledge and skills to bear, have experience, develop their research skills, increase their self-confidence, decrease their anxiety, and make self-assessment (Galanouli et al., 2004; Güven, 2011). Success motivation is important in individual or work life (Abakay, 2010; Abakay and Kuru, 2010; Abakay and Kuru, 2013). Microteaching aims at making preservice teachers adopt and acquire the roles and behaviours they will have in the classroom with success motivation. One of the most important elements of microteaching is assessment through video recordings. Video is a tool used during microteaching practices for performance enhancement. During the assessment, the mistakes and lacking points are emphasized (Kpanja, 2001). Many researchers defined microteaching in different ways. Enver (1990) defined it as a recorded practice system that emphasizes certain teaching skills and practices teaching process in limited conditions, and Allen (1980) defined microteaching as a recorded practical implementation system that emphasizes certain teaching skills and implements teaching process in limited conditions . “ccording to Deniz , microteaching is a laboratory method used to simplify the complexity of normal teaching-learning processes. Jerich defined microteaching as a teaching method, which supports pre-service teachers with strong feedbacks about their teaching in an environment where complex teaching environment is simplified . Rıza defined microteaching a recorded implementation system based on implementing certain teaching skills in limited conditions. Microteaching helps pre-service teachers develop their professional skills before they starts service Tok, . “ccording to Küçükahmet (2004) microteaching is method that aims at helping pre-service teachers develop teacher identities and research skills. Microteaching practices are not only used in teacher training but also many other fields, especially in medicine education. In his research, Deniz (1995) studied the use of microteaching practices in practising physician training, and found that limited teaching skills used in microteaching course were used more accurately and effectively after implementations. He also found that besides teaching skills, behaviours related to criticizing and being criticized also developed with microteaching course. The common point of all definitions provided above is that microteaching is a method that provides teaching experiences in a safe, controlled and limited environment. In broader terms, microteaching enables presenting something and analysing the results of these presentations (Kazu 1996). European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 2 │ Issue 9 │ 2016 129 Uğur Abakay, Fikret Alincak, Hayri Demir THE EFFECTS OF MICROTEACHING PRACTICES ON PRE-SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING PROFESSION However, there are some studies for physical education and sport teacher candidates in educational field (Cinpolat et al., 2016; “lıncak, a; Zengin et al., 2016), the studies on pre-service teachers are insufficient. Since microteaching practices are used to put theoretical knowledge into practice, they have an important place in both preparation to teaching profession and in other fields. Considering the importance of microteaching practices, the purpose of the present research is defining pre-service physical education and sport teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession before and after microteaching practices. Method The present research is a descriptive study that has been used in literature (“lıncak, 2016b) conducted in order to define the effects of microteaching practices on pre-service physical education and sport teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession. The research was conducted on 60 pre-service teachers, who studied at Gaziantep University, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching and took Special Teaching Methods II course in 2015/2016 academic year. In order to collect data for the present research, Attitude Scale towards the Profession of Teaching developed by Üstüner (2006) was employed. The scale consists of 34 items that reflect attitudes towards teaching profession. The scale is single dimensional and the highest score from the scale is 170 while the lowest is 34. Higher scores on the scale indicate more positive and lower scores indicate more negative attitudes towards teaching profession. Criterion validity of the scale was reported as . , score consistency coefficient as . internal consistency coefficient was reported as . Üst(ner, , and . Within the scope of the present research, reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated as .96. For data collection, a 13-week microteaching practice was implemented with pre-service physical education and sport teachers. The scale was conducted twice before and after the implementation on the work group as pre-test and post-test. Obtained data were analysed on SPSS 22.0 program. Statistical method used for data analysis was PairedSamples t test. Findings Table 1: Comparison of pre-test and post-test scores of work group N Average sd t Pre-test 60 4.02 .48 Post-test 60 4.48 .52 European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 2 │ Issue 9 │ 2016 df -6.168 p 59 .000 130 Uğur Abakay, Fikret Alincak, Hayri Demir THE EFFECTS OF MICROTEACHING PRACTICES ON PRE-SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING PROFESSION Table 1 presents the comparison of the pre-test and post-test scale scores of the work group. Accordingly, pre-service physical education and sport teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession varied at a significant level after the microteaching practices (p<0.001). Additionally, according to the average scores presented in Table 1, pre-service physical education and sport teachers’ scores for attitudes towards teaching profession (Xpretest=4.02±.48, Xposttest=4.48±.52) are high, which indicate more positive attitudes. Discussion and Conclusion According to the findings obtained in the present research, conducted in order to define the effects of microteaching practices on pre-service physical education and sport teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession, pre-service physical education and sport teachers’ attitudes towards teaching education were high positive before and after microteaching practices. Moreover, there has been a significant increase in scores of attitudes towards teaching profession after microteaching practices. reported in her study titled The Effect of Microteaching on Teachers’ Kuran Gaining of Knowledge and Skills , conducted to study the effects of microteaching on preservice teachers’ acquiring teaching knowledge and skills on university sophomore students, that pre-service teachers were more successful in putting the acquired knowledge and skills related to teaching profession into practice. She also observed that microteaching contributed a lot to pre-service teachers’ love for teaching profession. “ccording to the findings of the study titled The Teacher Candidates’ Opinions Regarding the Effect of Microteaching Implementation on Teaching Skills conducted on pre-service teachers by K(ç(koğlu, Köse, Taşgın, Yılmaz and Karademir , pre- service teachers, who had microteaching experiences, had less difficulty in performing teaching skills than pre-service teachers, who didn’t have microteaching experiences. According to their finding, microteaching practices have positive effects on pre-service teachers’ teaching skills. G(rb(zoğlu, Yalmacı and “ydın their study titled Microteaching studied with pre-service teachers in The Views of Turkish Pre-service Science Teachers Concerning Practices and took pre-service science teachers’ ideas about microteaching practices in order to find out what microteaching practices provided preservice teachers with, and which aspects of these practices they liked most and least. According to their findings, pre-service teachers stated that microteaching was effective in performing various teaching activities, practicing classroom management and acquiring various personal development skills. European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 2 │ Issue 9 │ 2016 131 Uğur Abakay, Fikret Alincak, Hayri Demir THE EFFECTS OF MICROTEACHING PRACTICES ON PRE-SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING PROFESSION Sevim (2013) conducted a case study on 28 university students in his study titled Evaluation of Microteaching Applications through Student Teachers’ Views in order to define the advantages and disadvantages of microteaching practices used in teacher training from pre-service teachers’ perspectives, and found that pre-service teachers developed positive attitudes towards microteaching practices. Additionally, it was reported that microteaching was beneficial for pre-service teachers in solving the problems encountered while preparing for the lesson, presenting and teaching the lesson. Consequently, the present research revealed that pre-service physical education and sport teachers have positive attitudes towards teaching profession and microteaching practices affect pre-service physical education and sport teachers’ attitudes towards teaching profession positively. In accordance with these findings, we can claim that more microteaching-based practices should be included in teacher training programs and practical courses, and organizing educational environments where effective microteaching activities can be conducted can contribute to pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards profession. References 1. Abakay, U. (2010). İletişiminin Futbolcu-“ntrenör Farklı Stat(lerdeki Futbolcuların ”aşarı Motivasyonuyla İlişkisi. Gazi University, Doctoral Thesis, Health Sciences Institution. 2. Abakay, U. (2013). Investigating Physical Education Teacher Candidates' Epistemological Beliefs. Life Science Journal, 10(3), 2658-64. 3. Abakay, U., Kuru, E. (2010). 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European Journal of Education Studies - Volume 2 │ Issue 9 │ 2016 134 Uğur Abakay, Fikret Alincak, Hayri Demir THE EFFECTS OF MICROTEACHING PRACTICES ON PRE-SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING PROFESSION Creative Commons licensing terms Author(s) will retain the copyright of their published articles agreeing that a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) terms will be applied to their work. Under the terms of this license, no permission is required from the author(s) or publisher for members of the community to copy, distribute, transmit or adapt the article content, providing a proper, prominent and unambiguous attribution to the authors in a manner that makes clear that the materials are being reused under permission of a Creative Commons License. Views, opinions and conclusions expressed in this research article are views, opinions and conclusions of the author(s). 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