European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies ISSN: 2501 - 9988 ISSN-L: 2501 - 9988 Available on-line at: 10.5281/zenodo.58997 Volume 1│Issue 1│2016 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN Atamoghlan Gharabaghi School of Economics and Management, Khazar University, Azerbaijan Abstract: The purpose of the article is to determine the relationship between organizational culture and social responsibility in Khazar University, Azerbaijan. The population of the study comprises management employees, faculty staff and students as well as representatives of neighborhood associations. The results show that there is a directly proportional relationship between the moderate elements of culture and social responsibility of university under study; a situation which explains the strong positive relationship. Considering these findings, a number of strategic guidelines suggested addressed to four categories: performance, education, and social cognitive and epistemological. It was concluded that there are deficiencies in the presence of elements such as beliefs, values, rituals, language and history; aspects which contributes on reflecting the staff perception toward a moderately weak corporate culture. Keywords: social environment, organizational culture, organizational values, social responsibility 1. Introduction Organizational culture is one of the fundamental pillars that bring sustenance to all organizations that want to be competitive. Therefore, the central point around which the article is the study of organizational culture and social responsibility in the social context higher education institutions At the present time the institutions of higher education calls to undertake a cultural change that allows the incorporation of social responsibility not only to meet obligations to its staff providing benefits and improvements in working conditions, but also with his community, seeking to bring the same knowledge, technological and scientific advances towards solving their problems. Correspondence: Atamoghlan Gharabaghi, email: Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved Published by Open Access Publishing Group ©2015. 56 Atamoghlan Gharabaghi – RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN Progressively more institutions are aware that they can contribute to sustainable development by managing their operations in order to promote economic growth and increase their competitiveness, while ensuring environmental protection and promoting social responsibility, including interest consumer. Socially responsible business management involves considering the interests of the various groups with which it relates, and not just those of shareholders. Institutions of higher education, are called first order to join, these new processes that optimize the culture of its members, including social responsibility, an approach that is of vital importance today to the challenges posed by institutions higher education. In accordance with the foregoing ideas, for Milocco (2003), any organization part of a social system has to face unavoidable obligations and responsibilities, including social responsibilities. These implications will bring not only obligatory for the students, in obtaining his university degree, but also a reorganization in its internal regulations for the operation of community service, training of teachers for advice, adapt the length of service community to their academic regime, the establishment of agreements with the Local Councils of public Planning Councils State Authority Planning and public Policy Coordination, institutions, public or private organizations and organized community among others. This situation makes it necessary to strengthen the culture of all stakeholders from academia to this new challenge, preparing to face the competitive scenario, from its internal reality and to their environment, under the premise of considering it as a socio-economic institution with social responsibility, ethics, corporate and community. Considering the approaches described above and on the basis of organizational culture variable as a source of social responsibility, the aim of the investigation is: To determine the relationship between organizational culture and social responsibility in public universities. The research is framed within the type of descriptive and correlational field study with a non-experimental design, transactional and descriptive. The population under study consisted of the Administrative Board, educators and as well as representatives of neighborhood. The sample is considered as a random, stratified sample size proportional and based on the formula of Sierra Bravo (2000) resulting in a sample of 503 subjects was calculated. To develop the study was proceeded to the development and use of two data collection instruments, the first addressed to faculty and staff; and the other aimed at representatives of neighborhood associations. The validity of the instruments was determined through expert judgment technique. The statistical method of the two halves and the Spearman-Browm obtained correlation coefficient of 0.93 and 0.90 were used for reliability. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies - Volume 1 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 57 Atamoghlan Gharabaghi – RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN 2. Development of Organizational Culture Robbins (2004) argues that organizational culture refers to a system of shared meanings among its members and distinguishes one organization from another and distinguishes various ways of transmitting culture: a) stories or anecdotes; b) rituals; c) material symbols d) language expressing managerial values and ideologies. Through the set of beliefs and shared by members of the organization values, culture exists to a high level of abstraction and is characterized by the behavior of the organization, making rational many attitudes that unite people, determining their way of think, feel and act. Chiavenato (2000) presents the organizational culture as …a way of life, a system of beliefs and values, an accepted form of interaction and relationships typical of particular organization. Comparison and analysis of the definitions presented by various authors, it follows that all conceive culture as anything that identifies an organization and unlike other so that members of it feel as they profess the same values, beliefs, rules, procedures, standards, language, ritual and ceremonies. Culture is transmitted over time and adapts according to external influences and internal pressures product of organizational dynamics. Organizations have a culture of its own: a system of shared beliefs and values that the human element that make up sticks. The corporate culture creates, and in turn is created, the quality of the internal environment; therefore, determines the degree of cooperation and dedication of the institutionalization of purposes within an organization. 3. Corporate Social Responsibility According to Bateman (2001), corporate social responsibility can be defined …as an obligation to society assumed by companies, in which companies with category of socially responsible will maximize its positive effects on society and minimize its negative effects. According to Gallo (2000), the social responsibility of a company is of two types: internal and external. The main social responsibility of a business enterprise is to fulfill the purposes of its own: to make available to the community the products covered by their activity, create wealth, promote human development of people who work there and guarantee its continuity as a company. On the other hand, the company has the subsidiary responsibility of going to cooperate with other institutions, to meet the erosion of the common good. Within the company, socially responsible practices European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies - Volume 1 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 58 Atamoghlan Gharabaghi – RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN primarily involve workers and address issues such as investment in human resources, health and safety, and managing change. Social responsibility also extends to local communities and the environment, also includes the integration of companies in their local environment, contributing to the development of the communities in which they reside, providing jobs, wages and benefits, and tax revenues. On the other hand, companies depend on the health, stability and prosperity of the communities where they operate. 4. Research Findings The overall results for the organizational culture Variable threw for managers an average of 4.61 with a deviation of 0.57 indicating very high categories with low dispersion of the response, reflecting a high level of reliability thereof. In this sense, they indicate according to the responses of management, there is a high presence within the organizational culture elements such as beliefs, values, rituals, language and history that helps to build a strong corporate culture within the organization. When comparing the results of management with the views of faculty and staff, significant differences were observed for teachers the average was 2.73 with a deviation of 0.29 indicating a moderate category, with a low dispersion of the response for administrative staff the average was 2.31 with a deviation of 0,47 also indicating a moderate category, with a low dispersion of the response, the responses of both teachers and administrative reveal a moderate presence of the aspects handled by the managers reflecting the perception that they have on this variable shortcomings evidence. On this, these results are compared with the points made by Robbins (2004) when he says that organizational culture refers to a system of meanings and can distinguish different ways of transmitting culture, a) stories or anecdotes; b) rituals; c) material symbols d); language expressing managerial values and ideologies. These elements are characterized by conditioning the behavior of the organization, making rational attitudes that unite many people, determining their way of thinking, feeling and acting. Giving importance to sensitization processes as timely change of organizational culture. The results for the second variable social responsibility, management threw for an average of 4.51 with a deviation of 0.49 indicating very high categories, with a low dispersion of the response. In this sense, they reveal that there is a high presence of the features of social responsibility in both its external and internal dimension. Conversely significant differences with teachers and administrators yielded an average of 2.97 with a deviation of 0.28 indicating a moderate category with low dispersion of the response to the faculty and staff an average of 2,45 with a deviation of 0.37 also indicates a European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies - Volume 1 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 59 Atamoghlan Gharabaghi – RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN moderate category with low dispersion of the response, showing deficiencies in aspects of social responsibility. When comparing the results of the opinions of managers with the other two sources of information, in this case administrative and teaching staff, significant differences are displayed by throwing an average for teachers of 2.84 with a standard deviation of 0.32 and administrative staff, an average of 2.56 and a deviation of 0.46 indicating in both cases a moderate category with a very low dispersion of the response. Then there are significant differences in the opinion of these sources regarding the capacity and quality of universities for the fulfillment of their needs, which reveals the presence of a moderate social responsibility internally. For authors such as Collins and Porras (2000) responsibilities are divided into the primary, which according to their nature priority over secondary and these in turn are about tertiary, given the complexity of each company and its environment, it must be flexible looking as has repeatedly said some balance with stakeholders. The results of the sub dimension communities for managers yielded an average of 4.67 with a standard deviation of 0.52, indicating a very high class, with a very low dispersion of the response seen in terms of the opinions manifests of directors, there is a very high presence indicators related to external social responsibility as it relates to community support, resource allocation for community programs and a high rate of volunteer and staff participation in the implementation of these social programs, denoting his great willingness to take and respond to external social responsibility demanded by the communities. Within this framework, regarding the responses of faculty and staff, significant differences are revealed again, by throwing an average for the faculty and staff of 2.95 and 2.81, respectively and a standard deviation of 0.21 and 0.29, indicating moderate in both cases categories with very low dispersion of the response. For authors like Gallo (2000), the social responsibility of companies also includes the integration of companies in their local environment, contributing to the development of the communities, in which they reside, providing jobs, wages and benefits, and tax revenues. On the other hand, companies depend on the health, stability and prosperity of the communities where they operate. On this basis, the results obtained from the processing were as follows: for the support indicator to the community, you may notice that according to the views of community representatives, the highest percentage of responses fall into the category of no, reflecting that universities are not meeting their external social responsibility and its ability to meet the requirements of society. In determining the association between organizational culture and social responsibility of universities applied through statistical processing Rho Spearman coefficient, the following results are obtained: European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies - Volume 1 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 60 Atamoghlan Gharabaghi – RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN The correlation coefficient was 0.62, for managers, indicating a strong positive category, which means that for managers, culture is a key element in achieving or achievement of social responsibility by the institutions under study. Moreover and in correspondence with the significant differences that were presented in the results for both faculty and staff, it is noted again that the correlation results were 0.49 and 0.42, indicating a strong positive correlation revealing that culture it is a factor directly related to social responsibility, but it is not decisive. For authors such as Thompson and Strickland (2004), argue that organizational culture is unique, originates from the beliefs and philosophies of the organization, about how to conduct, manifested in the values and principles that management preaches and practices in their official ethical and political standards in its relations with stakeholders (especially in their dealings with employees, unions, shareholders, vendors and communities in which it operates) in the traditions that the organization maintains, supervisory practices, attitudes and behavior employees and the chemical and vibration are present in the work environment. All these sociological forces, some of which work very subtly combine to define the culture of the organization. In this sense, they will allow promoting cultural basis for the incorporation of social responsibility, which in this specific case corresponds to universities to cover the interests of each of the groups that form, about what it should do and how what to do. As it relates to employees, (administrative and teaching staff) requires that decisions are taken fairly and consistently, interest in processes while promoting their interests with respect to compensation, career opportunities, job security and working conditions in general. As for the obligation to their customers, students, arises from the expectations they have about the educational services they offer, it is in this sense provide a quality education in an adequate facilities, to facilitate the educational process. The results invite the management of universities to take concrete positions over time, eradicate certain undesirable cultural obstacles and influence the behavior of their staff by: increasing open and frank communication of all stakeholders on aspects of culture to be modified to create shared vision plus one share consensus; implement notorious and strong measures to change the culture, they must include the review of policies and procedures that help to promote the cultural changes that are desired as: change the incentives of pay and promotion, praise and give public recognition to people, through symbolic acts that display the new cultural traits, recruit and hire new managers and educational employees that promote the desired cultural values, replace or rotating staff in this strongly related to the previous culture and take every opportunity to communicate the based staff of cultural change and its benefits to all stakeholders. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies - Volume 1 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 61 Atamoghlan Gharabaghi – RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN managers must participate in training and socializing your staff to focus on strategic priorities, values, ethics and cultural norms; ensure that staff understands current decisions and policy changes as consistent with the cultural values that support the new direction of the organization. incorporation of coordinators, supervisors or heads of departments and chairs to reiterate translate the values and philosophy of the organization in daily practice, convincing them of the merits of practice and enforce cultural norms. offering to faculty staff a good working environment with adequate remuneration; social responsibility to its students: beyond training that meets the minimum standards required by law, must be sought training as citizens socially responsible and as professionals with high quality standards, so as to achieve become professional responsible, technically competitive, ethically oriented and socially engaged. providing free education as required by law education with socio-economic benefits commensurate with the existing reality provide ongoing development of various learning environments, coupled with new technological developments. provide students with national and international mobility, credit and income generating opportunities. provide opportunity to study people with limitations (disabled, pregnant), as well as participation and free expression. with its immediate surroundings: in places where a physical presence institutions should seek to minimize and offset the negative impacts that may have its operational activities, specifically with the inhabitants of the neighborhoods in which their facilities are located; with communities, but especially in the poorest and most vulnerable, should be promoted integral development of individuals, communities and organizations, encouraging them their potential, in terms of human, civic and service to society attitudes; social responsibility to the communities should be specifically developed through its social projection and its applied research dealing with the participation of all stakeholders, applying the knowledge acquired throughout his career, looking for improvements, etc.. _ with its graduates: to provide various means to achieve the goals that have been proposed as a project of personal and professional life. with its suppliers: find work with suppliers to ensure that their products are made in decent working conditions. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies - Volume 1 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 62 Atamoghlan Gharabaghi – RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN the outsourcing should be, with fair wages, without discrimination against women or child labor, paying a fair price for everyone, so accomplished, ensuring a transparent business relationship for mutual benefit; with the environment: academic and administrative practices should focus on criteria of responsible consumption, promoting the development of awareness campaigns within the academic community to facilitate proper use of working materials, maintenance and care of its facilities and recycling of waste; with other public and private entities: maintain close liaison with other agencies for the development of actions to support the community with the national government and the regions in which it operates: should contribute in building a more just, democratic, participatory and united nation. 5. Conclusions As for the cultural elements present in universities, deficiencies in the presence of elements as found: beliefs, values, rituals, language and history that make up the culture, reflecting the perception that the staff has, is a moderately weak, as evidenced significant differences in the responses of principals, teachers and administrative staff to corporate culture. Significant differences between the administrative and teaching staff regarding the managers were observed by considering these latest sources that does not effectively implementing their needs, showing moderate presence of social responsibility internally. It was known by the faculty and staff and contrasted with the view of members of neighborhood associations of the communities where universities are engaged, the nonexistence of planning activities to support the community, nor, they are consulted to take action in favor of them, untying the functions of universities with the needs of communities to help give them back. By observing the association that exists between organizational culture and social responsibility among universities, significant differences regarding the correlation of variables, although culture is a factor directly related to social responsibility. But it is not decisive for achieving or achievement of social responsibility. Finally, it is suggested to meet the following activities: implement the improvement plan, backed by the resources, but above all with the conviction start the process of transformation, even if the scopes are not expected. monitor and evaluate periodically the implementation of the improvement plan, making corrections when they are needed, resulting from the philosophical, sociological and paradigms that are generated. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies - Volume 1 │ Issue 1 │ 2016 63 Atamoghlan Gharabaghi – RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN KHAZAR UNIVERSITY, AZERBAIJAN provide continuity in implementing the improvement plan culture and social responsibility; these are hard efforts, which requires the participation and conviction of members of organizations and their environment. The most important thing is to start the process then go adjusting to the new requirements. References 1. Perrow, C. (1986). 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