European Journal of Social Sciences Studies ISSN: 2501-8590 ISSN-L: 2501-8590 Available on-line at: Volume 2 │ Issue 6 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1010477 A REVIEW ON SOFT LEADERSHIP Masume Gholami Master of Financial Management, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University Qeshm Branch, Qeshm, Iran Abstract: In the present time, the process of changes and variety of tools used in the flow of life is increasing every day. The pace of changes and transformation is such that none of human has no predicted such changes in the last century. Global competition and growing business in the East and the West have created a highly unstable environment for all businesses in developed and developing countries. In order to cope with this uncertainty and constant changes is strongly felt the need for people in the leader group. Researchers, experts, coaches, writers, and even leading practitioners have their own styles for specific styles and types of leadership. As a result, there are various types of leadership styles that suggest that the leadership area is still enriching. Based on this and based on the nine fold characteristics of modern leadership, one of the new concepts of leadership is "soft leadership". Keywords: leadership; soft leadership; soft leadership competencies 1. Statement of the problem Everyone who belongs to - family, sports teams or social groups, working groups - no doubt, includes a person who is more influential than others. This person whenever speaks, others listen; when they make a suggestion or advice, others will go along with it. In fact, this person is known as a leader (Gibson et al., 2012). Hersey and Blanchard (1997) argue that a successful organization has a major attribute that distinguishes it from other unsuccessful organizations: dynamic and effective leadership. Based on this, Peter Darker points out those managers are as underlying resources of every business. People who work in organizations need to be directed to work in a certain direction so that organizational goals can be successfully achieved. Without leadership, an organization is nothing only a set of confused people Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 320 Masume Gholami A REVIEW ON SOFT LEADERSHIP and machines. Organizations need leadership to make full use of their precious capital. In fact, leadership is focus point and channel of most other areas of organizational behavior (Khanka, translated by Shams Murkarani, 2010). For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: European Journal of Social Sciences Studies - Volume 2 │ Issue 6 │ 2017 321