European Journal of Social Sciences Studies ISSN: 2501-8590 ISSN-L: 2501-8590 Available on-line at: Volume 2 │ Issue 9 │ 2017 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1092743 SAUDI-IRAN RIVALRY AND ITS IMPACT ON REGIONAL POLITICS Farooque Alami Research Scholar, Dept. of West Asian Studies, AMU Aligarh, India Abstract: Historically, Iran has dominated the regional politics in several aspects, but after the Second World War, Saudi Arabia emerged as a significant player in regional politics. Both states have several differences; Saudi Arabia is Sunni dominated state with monarchical system of governance while Iran has a Shia dominated population and Islamic republic nature of governance. Saudi Arabia and Iran have been in a conflict with each other for several decades and there have been a number of issues that have intensified the Saudi-Iran rivalry for the several decades and created instability in the region. Iranian nuclear programme and capital punishment of Shia cleric by Saudi government have also further increased their rivalry. But, their recent enmity has had a drastic impact on the West Asian region. Therefore, regional conflicts have been becoming very complex and affecting the regional politics as well as international politics. The main aim of this paper is to examine the causes of Saudi-Iran rivalry and how does it impact on regional politics. Keywords: regional politics, rivalry, conflict, instability 1. Introduction In the West Asian region, Saudi Arabia and Iran have occupied important positions. The West Asian region is also known as the birth place of three major religions of the world, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. ii History of the region designated the terms Near- Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad “rshid, Muhammad Waqar, Saira Iram, From Rivalry to Nowhere: A Story of Iran-Saudi Ties, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, Vol. 19, no. 9 (2014):92. ii Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved. © 2015 – 2017 Open Access Publishing Group 140 Farooque Alam SAUDI-IRAN RIVALRY AND ITS IMPACT ON REGIONAL POLITICS East and Middle-East, referring two different regions. The Near East representing the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire, while the Middle East covered Iran, Afghanistan, Turkestan and the Caucasus. iii After the First World War ended in 1918, the term Middle East became popular and gained acceptance and East, Eurocentric and West Asian region began to be referred by this term. The region had historically attracted travelers, intruders, and business men etc., given its geographic location and topography, alike. In the present time, the same region has become a hub of international politics and interventions, especially for the US. The boundaries of the region have been redefined and the animosity has escalated with each passing day. As the world was about to enter in to the 21st century, Middle East began to be referred as Greater Middle East, comprising mostly Muslim nations of North Africa, Western Asia and Central Asia. But this term was not used commonly. iv Nevertheless, Iran and Saudi Arabia are the two most powerful countries in the Middle Eastern region and have been so since the Second World War ended. Both have had a say in the regional politics and have tried to dominate it. Saudi Arabia since its inception has had a monarchial system of governance. The supreme authority of the country is its King and the council of ministers is appointed by him. Freedom of expression and speech is limited to the extent where it does not collide with the doctrines it has set. Iran, on the other hand, was ruled by a dictator until the success of the Islamic revolution of 1979, whose overthrow paved way for another theocracy, however, with a twinge of democracy as the leader of the country is chosen via elections. However, the supreme leader of the country known as the Ayatollah is the highest authority in the country and can’t be challenged. Freedom of speech and expression in Iran is also limited to the same extent where it does not clash with the guidelines set by the State. Nonetheless, both the states have been engaged in a conflict to dominate the region. The equation between the states changed particularly after Islamic revolution in Iran. For viewing / downloading the full article, please access the following link: Ibid, p.9. Middle East, Land Scholastic.Com , accessed on, -02-2017, available at: iii iv European Journal of Social Sciences Studies - Volume 2 │ Issue 9 │ 2017 141