Iman Sabeeh Hussein, Bilal Ali Ahmed


The research problem arose through researchers' follow-up of training curricula for athletes in athletics in general and 400-meter runners in particular. Most training curricula adopt physical and skill exercises without paying attention to the need for energy appropriate for the effort exerted during the race or training. The Pro Health program - Commerce with Compassion is used in this research to calculate the calories spent during training to find out what is burned during training. The experimental research method is used in this research. The research sample was selected from young 400-meter joggers (9 runners). The arithmetic mean for age is (19.64), a standard deviation is (± 1.5), with an arithmetic mean for training age which is (6.6) with a standard deviation (± 1.65), an arithmetic mean for mass (71) with a standard deviation (± 2.54), an arithmetic mean for height (172) cm, and a standard deviation (± 3.5). The results showed that the calories consumed during training changed during training. The differences were statistically in favor of the post-test. The differences energy variable remaining in the body after performing the effort, whether in calories or kilojoules, were not significant. This means that the amounts of energy remained the same, whether in the pre or post-test. The cost of energy per 1 kg of the body, appeared in the indicator, indicated that the differences are not significant between what the body consumes during physical activity and the remaining calories in the body for both tests. It also showed that there is an imbalance between calories and their output in kilo joules that the sample members take from food, and the calories they burn to make physical effort.

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physical and biomechanical abilities, 400-meter run, calculated calories

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