Rose Ndegwa


Financial inclusion is a prerequisite to economic development. This has been echoed by international as well as national bodies. Studies have shown that financial exclusion has its roots in social exclusion. This indicates the depth and importance of financial inclusion in creating inclusive development. Numerous studies have revealed levels of financial inclusion with limited studies performed on the role of SACCO initiatives on financial inclusion. This research examined measures of financial inclusion which include both access and usage of financial products by low income earners and the socially excluded via SACCOs. Since access and usage are supplementary, they reflect a more vivid picture of financial inclusion. The study sought to analyze the role of SACCOs in promoting financial inclusion in Kenya. The study was guided by the three specific objectives: geographical coverage of SACCOs; cost and contribution of SASRA regulations towards enhancing financial inclusion. To achieve the objectives of the study a descriptive survey research was adopted. The target population was the three SACCOs in Meru town. 43 questionnaires were issued to SACCO members to access the level of financial service access. Primary data was analyzed with aid Microsoft excel software to generate frequencies, mean and percentages. Pie charts, graphs and tables were used to present various aspects of the variables. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative while quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.


JEL: O10; O20; G10; G20


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SACCO, financial inclusion, geographical coverage, deposit taking SACCOS, front office savings activities

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