European Journal of Business Management Studies

The European Journal of Business Management Studies is committed to advancing scholarly knowledge in the field of business management. We publish research that explores various aspects of business management through a rigorous peer-review process. EJBMS values inclusivity, practicality, and active engagement among scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts involved in the study of this dynamic field. Our journal welcomes research that delves into the diverse components of business management. We encourage articles addressing current trends, issues, and challenges in the business world, including topics like leadership, innovation, strategy, and organizational behavior. European Journal of Business Management Studies provides a platform for studies on the historical and cultural dimensions of business management, examining their significance and evolving patterns. Additionally, we support articles that foster dialogue and understanding among stakeholders in the business sector, from industry leaders to policymakers. Theoretical analyses that explore the core concepts and practices within business management are also welcome in EJBMS. Special emphasis is placed on research related to the dynamic nature of this field, including its economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The European Journal of Business Management Studies aims to engage a diverse audience, including specialists, practitioners, and students interested in this field. We also welcome articles of regional significance, particularly those offering insights and lessons that can be applied to different business management contexts worldwide. Whether your research focuses on business strategy, leadership practices, innovation management, or any other related discipline, EJBMS provides a platform for sharing valuable insights, fostering academic exchange, and facilitating a deeper understanding of business management on a global scale.

The European Journal of Business Management Studies is published online in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Research works accepted: articles (descriptive or analytic), communications, intervention studies, case studies, technical notes, methods researches, book reviews, commentaries, essays, short reports, etc. Printed copies of the journal are available on request.

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Covered Research Areas

This list reflects the diverse and multidisciplinary nature of Business Management Studies, encompassing various aspects of business strategy, management practices, and related fields:

  • Strategic Management: Strategic management involves the formulation and implementation of long-term plans and actions to achieve organizational objectives and competitive advantage. It encompasses activities such as analyzing the internal and external business environment, setting goals and objectives, crafting strategies, and monitoring progress toward achieving those objectives. The aim is to align an organization's resources, capabilities, and core competencies with the changing market dynamics to ensure sustained success.
  • Organizational Behavior: Organizational behavior is the study of how individuals and groups behave within an organizational context. It examines topics such as motivation, communication, leadership, decision-making, and team dynamics. Understanding organizational behavior is crucial for managers and leaders to create a positive work environment, enhance employee satisfaction, and optimize group performance.
  • Marketing Management: Marketing management involves the planning, implementation, and control of marketing activities within an organization. It includes the development of marketing strategies, market research, consumer behavior analysis, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Effective marketing management aims to meet customer needs, create value, and achieve competitive advantage in the market.
  • Human Resource Management: Human resource management focuses on the management of an organization's human capital. It encompasses activities such as talent acquisition, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. HR managers play a critical role in recruiting and retaining talented employees, fostering a positive workplace culture, and aligning human resources with organizational goals.
  • Financial Management: Financial management is the process of planning, controlling, and monitoring an organization's financial resources. It involves activities like financial planning, budgeting, financial analysis, and investment decision-making. Effective financial management ensures the allocation of resources in a way that maximizes profitability, liquidity, and shareholder value.
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Entrepreneurship and innovation involve the identification and exploitation of opportunities to create new ventures or improve existing ones. Entrepreneurs are individuals who take calculated risks to start and grow businesses. Innovation refers to the process of generating and implementing creative ideas to enhance products, services, or processes. Both entrepreneurship and innovation are essential for economic growth and competitiveness.
  • Operations Management: Operations management focuses on the design, planning, and control of an organization's production and service delivery processes. It includes activities such as supply chain management, quality control, inventory management, and process optimization. Effective operations management aims to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver products or services that meet customer expectations.
  • International Business: International business involves conducting commercial activities across national borders. It encompasses topics such as global market analysis, cross-cultural management, international trade, foreign market entry strategies, and global supply chain management. Understanding international business is crucial for organizations seeking to expand into global markets and navigate the complexities of international trade.
  • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Business ethics involves the study of moral principles and values in the business context. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) focuses on an organization's commitment to ethical behavior and contributing positively to society and the environment. Both areas emphasize the importance of ethical decision-making, transparency, sustainability, and social impact in business practices.
  • Business Leadership: Business leadership encompasses the study of leadership styles, traits, and behaviors within organizations. It explores the role of leaders in setting the vision, making strategic decisions, motivating teams, and shaping organizational culture. Effective business leadership is crucial for guiding teams toward achieving goals and adapting to changing circumstances in a dynamic business environment.
  • Small Business and Family Business Management: This field involves the exploration of challenges and strategies unique to small and family-owned businesses. It delves into areas such as succession planning, managing family dynamics within a business, accessing financing, and addressing the distinct operational constraints faced by smaller enterprises. Researchers in this area examine how small and family businesses can achieve longevity and growth while preserving their core values and familial relationships.
  • Business Sustainability and Environmental Management: Business sustainability and environmental management encompass the analysis of sustainable business practices and environmental responsibility within the corporate world. Researchers in this field focus on strategies for reducing a company's ecological footprint, enhancing environmental efficiency, and aligning business operations with sustainability goals. They also explore the economic, social, and environmental benefits of sustainable business practices.
  • Information Technology Management: Information Technology (IT) Management involves research on the strategic use of technology in business operations and management. This field explores how organizations can leverage IT resources to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and gain a competitive edge. Topics may include IT strategy development, digital transformation, cybersecurity, and the adoption of emerging technologies.
  • Strategic Innovation: Strategic Innovation is the study of innovative approaches to product development and market disruption. Researchers in this area investigate how organizations can foster a culture of innovation, develop new products or services, and strategically implement disruptive technologies to gain a competitive advantage. This field often intersects with areas like entrepreneurship and technology management.
  • Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Supply Chain and Logistics Management involves the examination of efficient logistics, distribution, and supply chain optimization. Researchers in this field explore strategies to streamline the movement of goods and services, reduce operational costs, enhance supply chain resilience, and improve overall efficiency. Topics may include inventory management, transportation logistics, and global supply chain networks.
  • Financial Risk Management: Financial Risk Management encompasses the analysis of strategies to mitigate financial risks and uncertainties faced by organizations. Researchers in this field study methods to identify, assess, and manage risks related to financial markets, investments, and financial decision-making. Topics may include risk modeling, hedging strategies, and regulatory compliance.
  • Retail Management: Retail Management involves research on retail operations, consumer behavior, and e-commerce. Researchers in this field examine the dynamics of retail markets, consumer preferences, and the impact of digital technologies on retail strategies. Topics may include omnichannel retailing, store design, customer experience, and the evolving role of brick-and-mortar stores in the digital age.
  • Service Management: Service Management focuses on the exploration of service quality, customer satisfaction, and service innovation. Researchers in this field investigate methods for delivering exceptional customer experiences, enhancing service processes, and creating customer-centric business models. Topics may include service design, service recovery, and service excellence.
  • Business Law and Ethics: Business Law and Ethics involve the study of legal issues and ethical dilemmas in business operations. Researchers in this area examine the legal frameworks governing business transactions, contracts, intellectual property, and corporate governance. Additionally, they explore ethical decision-making in various business contexts, addressing issues of corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership.
  • Marketing Analytics: Marketing Analytics is the analysis of data-driven marketing strategies and consumer insights. Researchers in this field explore how businesses can leverage data and analytics tools to make informed marketing decisions, personalize marketing campaigns, measure marketing effectiveness, and predict consumer behavior. Topics may encompass customer segmentation, data mining, digital marketing analytics, and marketing return on investment (ROI).
  • Business Communication: Business Communication is the comprehensive study and analysis of effective communication strategies employed within organizations. It encompasses various modes of communication, including written, verbal, and digital communication, focusing on how these methods are used to convey information, ideas, and messages both internally among employees and externally with customers, stakeholders, and partners. Effective business communication plays a crucial role in facilitating collaboration, conveying organizational goals, and enhancing productivity within a corporate setting.
  • Quality Management: Quality Management involves extensive research and practice dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of products, services, and processes within an organization. It encompasses quality control measures, process improvement methodologies, and frameworks such as Six Sigma. Quality Management is essential for ensuring consistency, reliability, and customer satisfaction while also optimizing operational efficiency and minimizing defects and errors.
  • Business Negotiation and Conflict Resolution: Business Negotiation and Conflict Resolution is the systematic examination of negotiation techniques and strategies used in the business context. It includes the study of conflict management and resolution methods aimed at addressing disputes and disagreements that may arise in various business scenarios. Effective negotiation and conflict resolution skills are essential for achieving mutually beneficial outcomes, building strong business relationships, and minimizing disruptions in organizational operations.
  • Financial Accounting and Reporting: Financial Accounting and Reporting entail the critical analysis of financial reporting practices, standards, and compliance regulations within the realm of accounting and finance. This field involves examining how financial information is recorded, reported, and audited to ensure transparency and accuracy. It plays a fundamental role in providing stakeholders with a clear understanding of an organization's financial health, performance, and adherence to accounting standards and regulations.
  • Business Economics: Business Economics involves the exploration of economic factors that influence decision-making within businesses. This field delves into the principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics to analyze how market conditions, supply and demand, government policies, and global economic trends impact business operations, pricing strategies, production, and overall profitability. Understanding business economics is essential for making informed strategic choices and adapting to changing economic landscapes.
  • Healthcare Management: Healthcare Management focuses on researching and analyzing various aspects of healthcare organizations, including hospital management, healthcare policy, and healthcare delivery systems. It encompasses the study of efficient healthcare resource allocation, healthcare quality improvement, and the development of policies and strategies to enhance patient care and healthcare outcomes. Healthcare Management plays a vital role in optimizing healthcare services while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and cost-effectiveness.
  • Business and Technology Integration: Business and Technology Integration involves the examination of how organizations adopt and adapt to technology advancements and digital transformation. This field explores the strategic incorporation of technology solutions to improve business processes, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge. It encompasses areas such as IT strategy, digital innovation, and the alignment of technology initiatives with overall business objectives.
  • Supply Chain Sustainability: Supply Chain Sustainability is the study of sustainable practices within supply chain management. It involves analyzing the environmental, social, and economic impacts of supply chain operations and seeking ways to minimize adverse effects while maximizing efficiency and profitability. This field addresses issues such as ethical sourcing, eco-friendly logistics, and responsible supply chain practices in response to growing sustainability concerns.
  • E-commerce and Digital Marketing: E-commerce and Digital Marketing encompass the analysis of online business models and digital marketing strategies. It includes the examination of e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, digital advertising, social media marketing, and customer behavior in the digital realm. Understanding these aspects is crucial for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence, reach a broader customer base, and optimize digital marketing campaigns.
  • Business Data Analytics: Business Data Analytics involves research on the utilization of big data and analytics tools to derive valuable insights for informed decision-making within organizations. This field explores data collection, analysis, visualization, and interpretation techniques to uncover patterns, trends, and opportunities that can drive business growth and efficiency. Business Data Analytics is integral to leveraging data as a strategic asset in today's data-driven business landscape.



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