Bakhrudin All Habsy, Nur Hidayah, Blasius Boli Lasan, M. Muslihati


This study is based on the importance of conception and cultural propositions as efficacy in the implementation of counseling practices as a key in problem-solving. Indonesia is a great nation having various religions, tribes, cultures and it is even listed as a country with the largest amount of local wisdom in the world. Therefore, it would be feasible if it has a goal to create a knot of Counseling filled by Indonesian culture with a grounded dialogue between soul sciences that live in Indonesian human cognition. One of the indigenous cultures of the Indonesian nation, especially in Java, which contains the noble values underlying the personality of the Java life, is puppet. The presence of Semar in puppet performance art is considered as a very popular figure by the Javanese community as the core figure of the inner world of Java society. Semar's noble set of values in handling the Pandavas' problems foster a philosophy that lends itself and presents views on Indonesian cultural counseling practices. The focus in this study is to investigate the construction of Semar counseling based on Semar's noble values.


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counseling, Semar puppet text, Semar values

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