As digital tools expand in daily life; the accumulation of digital files has become a notable problem. Considering the negative impact of digital hoarding behavior, developing a measurement tool to measure the extent of digital hoarding among individuals is essential. For the Digital Hoarding Questionnaire, developed as part of this research, the scale was adapted to the Turkish target language, and the adapted scale was applied to college students. The adapted scale was a valid and reliable measurement tool. This study also aimed to determine the relationship and interaction between participants' digital hoarding behaviors, IT self-efficacy, and IT anxiety. A survey research method was conducted to examine the research subject. The study was conducted with 478 college students. According to the research findings, the participants’ accumulated photo files the most, and the most important reason for not deleting files was the belief they might be helpful in the future. All relationships between IT self-efficacy, IT anxiety, and digital hoarding were significant. According to the results, accumulating files makes no difference in hoarding behavior, while not deleting files makes a difference. When IT anxiety was controlled, gender made no significant difference in IT self-efficacy and digital hoarding behavior. Therefore, it is believed that the scale and results of this study will be an introductory research guide for studies that focus on determining digital file hoarding behavior.
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