Belgin Bağriaçik, Yavuz Yaman


In this study, the aim is to examine the ostracism and internet addiction of gifted high school students according to multiple variables. The research group of this study constitutes 190 gifted high school students aged between 14 and 18 students in 21 provinces of Turkey in the 2021-2022 Autumn term selected through purposive sampling. In this study, the correlational survey model, which is a quantitative research method, was used. Data was gathered with the use of the Ostracism Experience Scale for Adolescents (Mercan, 2016) and the Internet Addiction Scale for Adolescents. The data was analyzed using SPSS 25.0. A test of normalcy was implemented on the data. In data showing normal distribution frequency distributions, t-tests and Anova tests were used, and to determine the significance of the significant results Cohen d and Eta squared significance tests were used. As a result of the study the ostracism and internet addiction of gifted students revealed no significance between owning a smartphone, education, mother-father work conditions but showed medium level significance in age, gender, mother-father education levels.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i2.4172


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