Florentino G. Pineda, Jr.


The current paper focuses on the qualitative method used that examines the cultural formation in the educational institution, its practices, barriers, and solution. The use of qualitative research in this study reveals insights into how communication becomes an integral part of the culture-shaping process through its focus on the emerging themes and patterns developed over time. Among the methods used included a collection of notes and interviews from three generational participants; and an analysis of the Focus Discussion Group (FGD). FGD were classified on the nature of their inputs as indicated in the foreshadowed problems that seek to identify the characteristics of a culture-shaping process, experiences of communicators, and challenges encountered by members of the organizations in the aspect of behavior, satisfaction, and engagement. The obtained data demonstrate that organizational culture has a significant influence on the performance of the members. Many of the responses reflect the involvement of “cultured” individual perspectives that emerged from their daily work experiences and communication practices that leads to the formation of subgroups. Furthermore, the inclusion of the management, diversity of cultural backgrounds, and expectations also emerged. Based on the findings, the identified pieces of evidence in the approaches of both the management and members towards communicated rules policy have led to the formulation of a long-term sustainable adjustment in culture formation that mainly impacts motivation, communication, improving organizational values, decision-making, and solving conflicts.


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culture, communication, behavior, practices, barriers, and solutions

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v10i3.4730


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