Background: Previous research regarding the relationship between personality traits and physical activity has been mainly focused on big five personality traits whereas the studies regarding Type A behavior pattern in relation to physical activity are scarce. The present study is aimed to relate personality types and PA levels.
Methods: To attain the objective, a total of 132 young male adults were recruited and asked to fill two questionnaires: Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and a personality assessment scale. Associations between the categorical variables were examined by applying the Chi-Square test.
Results: Findings revealed that associations between personality types and physical activity levels were statistically significant (p< .05).
Conclusions: Participants having Type A behavior pattern had high levels of physical activity whereas Type B personalities were largely low active. Furthermore, participants with balanced personality type were found to have moderate to high activity levels.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1049
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