European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching is an international peer reviewed journal that covers the aspects related with the process of learning and teaching a foreign language, methods and techniques, acquisition and pedagogy, assessment and evaluation. Research papers accepted: articles, communications, intervention studies, study cases, book reviews, commentaries, short reports, etc. European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching is published quarterly on-line in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Printed copies of the journal are available on request. The research papers can be submitted on line at specifying the preferred journal.
Vol 9, No 1 (2025)

Table of Contents
Katchédé Etienne Iwikotan, Paulin T. Dohou, Pédro Marius Egounleti
Shkelqim Millaku, Shpetim Zymberaj
Adil Benlabchir, Moulay Sadik Maliki
M. M. N. M. Lakmali
Javier Suárez López
Mirela Müller
Merita Banjica