The research is aimed to investigate the relationship between humanistic and task-oriented leadership style with a five-thinking executive, legislative, judicial, liberal and conservative, with a success rate of successful coaches in Khuzestan province. Scale and Scale thinking style of leadership were used. After verifying the content validity of questionnaires by physical education teachers and management, validation questionnaires using Kronbach’s alpha coefficient, 0.73 and 0.657 calculated was used. The test used in this study was Friedman test and Spearman correlation coefficient. After studying the questionnaires filled by 23 coaches, it was concluded that there exists no significant relation between the task oriented leadership style and subscales of thinking styles of executive, legal, judicial, free and conservative. And that in terms of the relation between humanistic leadership style and subscales of thinking styles of legal, judicial and free and conservative; a significant relation exists only between the leadership style of humanistic and executive thinking style. Thus, due to the significant relationship between these two styles is suggested that coaches have two-way relationship with athletes and that they should express their goals to athletes in a clear and appropriate way. They should also have appropriate behaviors for realizing these goals through their team. In this regard, they will be able to achieve highest levels of success for themselves and their teams.
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