The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of critical thinking and knowledge sharing on the professional performance of sports team managers in Trabzon. In terms of the purpose of the research is the applied type and in terms of method is descriptive and correlational, and in terms of information gathering method is a survey method. The statistical population of this study included all managers of sports teams of Trabzon universities (N=300). Morgan table was used to determine the sample size and 169 people who were selected by simple random sampling method. To collect the required data, Paterson professional performance (1998), Ricktes Critical Thinking (2003) and Yong Chi Knowledge Sharing Questionnaire (2006) were used to answer the questionnaire. SPSS software was used for data analysis and multivariate regression coefficient was used to analyze the hypotheses. The results of the research indicate that critical thinking and knowledge sharing on the professional performance of sport team managers in Trabzon city have a significant positive effect (p <0.05).
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