As it is known, economical products are divided into two main components (goods/services). The developing technology has restructured its geographical position. The storage capability of sporting products makes it necessary to define the concept of "visual product". In our study, the general scanning model, which is one of the descriptive research methods, is used (Karasar 2009). In the frame of this descriptive scanning method, a theoretical-analytical method has been used focusing on writing the relevant field. Descriptive studies are usually carried out to enlighten a given situation, to make assessments in line with standards, and to reveal relationships between events (Çepni, 2007). The concept is an abstract design that covers common features of objects and events and collects under a common name. A concept thus becomes a general and abstract representation of an object, state or phenomenon. The concepts are divided into a priori and posterior. The part to be studied in the study is posterior. Because the concept of "visual product" can be achieved by means of induction using observation and experience. In this procedure, the multiplicity is first searched, compared and then focused on similarities, differences, and variables so that the subject can be objectified. In the last stage, the concept of "visual product" is obtained by abstraction by discarding variables, differences. The continuity of the sporting products necessitates the requirement of defining them. The visual product is conceptualized as "an economic activity, action, performance, social event or effort" that is sustained with communication technology, although it is consumed where it is produced. Taking into consideration the product descriptions of classical economic theorists and the ability of developing technology to transform the nature offered to human beings after a "visual product" has been defined as a new economic product, labor, capital and natural resources in the virtual environment and in the face of time, the new situation should be discussed and explained within the scope of navigation service products.
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