The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of isokinetic knee strength on promptness. 15 soccer players with an average age of 22,80±2,14 years and 15 controls with an average age of 21,60±1,40 years participated in the study. Body composition, isokinetic knee strength measurement at angular speeds of 60o, 180o, 240o and 10 m sprint test were conducted respectively in the study. General warm-up procedure was carried out on the groups before measurements. In statistical analyses, Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test the assumption of normality, while Levene test was used to test the assumption of homogeneity. Independent t test was used for the comparison of paired groups, while Pearson correlation was used to check the association between variables. When the results of our research were analyzed, no statistical significance was found between the two groups in terms of descriptive information (age, height, weight, BMI), while differences were found in the 10 meter sprint test in favor of the soccer players (p<0,05). When the isokinetic knee strengths were analyzed at angular speeds of 60o, 180o, 240o, while no statistical significance was found between the two groups, soccer players were found to have high results in general. As a conclusion, it was found that knee isokinetic strength of soccer players were higher when compared with the control group and they had better promptness time, and in soccer players, promptness was improved in the correlation test conducted for 10 meter sprint test as age increased.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1110
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