Aerobic fitness, endurance, and cardiovascular endurance are synonyms for work capacity, which itself is an important prerequisite for the health and life of every man. A very common way of assessing the state of aerobic fitness of a particular population are diagnostic tests on the basis of which we receive the necessary information when it comes to general physical condition of a defined population. This diagnostic evaluation is usually performed in the laboratory (direct methods), however, available and reliable data are about high reliability in the performance of some field tests (indirect methods). Depending on the field conditions, very often these measurements are performed using estimates of general ability (test UKK 2km). To perform this test data about body height, body weight, BMI, the values of the pulse rate and walking time during the test must be contained in it. Based on testing using the UKK 2km are obtained Fitness Index values (FINDEX) and maximal oxygen consumption (VO²max) of 35 male students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo (BIH) in order to determine and define the physical condition of respondents. The results showed that the fitness index (103.22) in the upper zone average (103.22) and VO²max = 49.12 reflects good shape, but still the results indicate toward decreasing trend in students' aerobic fitness, and have fitness index values below the standard norms of the Swedish population. The general trend of decreasing aerobic fitness of the population can be seen in the sport and physical education students, as a consequence of lifestyle in which there is not enough adequate physical activity.
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