Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of athletic identity as a predictor of mental toughness in male and female athletes. Method: Eighty six female (Mage=25.33±4.35) and 105 male (Mage=24.66±3.66), totally 191 athletes (Mage=24.96±3.99) voluntarily participated in this study. The Athletic Identity Questionnaire (AIQ) and The Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire were administered to all participants. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. Results: Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis revealed that competence and encouragement by friends (R=0.51; R2=0.26; p<.05) subscales of athletic identity were significant predictors of mental toughness of athletes. Analysis also indicated that importance and appearance (R=0.51; R2=0.26; p<.05) subscales of athletic identity were predictor of mental toughness of female athletes. Beside this, competence and encouragement by friends (R=0.54; R2=0.29; p<.01) subscales of athletic identity were predictor of mental toughness of male athletes. Conclusion: It can be concluded that, female and male athletes’ athletic identities plays a significant role in their mental toughness. In other words, spending effort for being a team, increasing the quality of training and physical appearance is important for female athletes to overcome challenges. On the other hand, male athletes give more attention to motor capacity, athletic competence and friends’ encouragement to get over the difficulties.
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