The subject of this reflection within the area of pedagogy and the philosophy of physical culture is bodily asceticism: both secular and religious. The asceticism of the gymnasion leads to the refinement of bodily powers so as to be able to fulfil social tasks. Penitential asceticism is a means of symbolic reparation for sins committed. It is known that the first kind of asceticism brings the body alive; the second "mortifies" it. The models of the religious asceticism of monks are discussed, both of those who integrate into the social life of mainstream society (internal asceticism) and that of those monks who renounce the human condition forever (external asceticism A particular case of anti-socialisation is the sadhu – a Hindu ascetic, who achieves anonymous namelessness. The patterns of asceticism of integrated (internal asceticism) monks permeate secular life, while the asceticism of the gymnasion is not shared by monks and priests. Although both patterns of asceticism aim at natural corporeality, their vectors of cause are contra-rotating. Monastic rule does not presuppose the gymnasion formation of a saint, which means that the religious ethos contradicts the law of nature. The law of asceticism of the bodily person is formulated based on the premise of natural law. This indicates the possibility of combining health education with the catechesis of penitential asceticism within the framework of the logically consistent pedagogy of an ascetic lifestyle.
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