The aim of this assessment is to discover the significant differences of motor fitness components between batsmen and bowler. A group of thirty (N=30) male subjects aged between 18-28 years were chosen for this appraisal from Guru Nanak Dev university, Amritsar (Punjab), India. The purposive sampling technique was utilized to accomplish the objectives of the appraisal. Every one of the subjects, in the wake of having been educated about objective and protocol of the study, gave their agreement and volunteered to take an interest in this appraisal. They were further partitioned into two group of 15 each (i.e., N1=15; batsmen and N2=15; bowler). Student’s t-test for independent data was utilized to evaluate the between- group differences. The level of p≤0.05 was considered significant. Investigation of data uncovered that there were insignificant differences of speed (p = 0.20), strength (p = 0.096) agility (p = 0.06) and Cardiovascular Endurance (p = 0.21) amongst Batsmen and Bowler, the calculated value of t for all the variables i.e., speed (t=1.30), strength (1.72), agility (1.94) and Cardiovascular Endurance (1.41 is smaller than the tabulated value of t (=2.048) for 28 degree of freedom. In this way, it might be presumed that the group difference between Batsmen and Bowler with respect to speed, strength, agility and endurance observed to be statistically insignificant. Whereas significant differences of static Balance (p = 0.019) between Batsmen and Bowler, since the calculated value of t for static Balance (t=2.50) is higher than the tabulated value of t (=2.048) for 28 degree of freedom. In this manner it might be inferred that the group difference between Batsmen and Bowler in regards to speed, strength, agility and Cardiovascular Endurance observed to be statistically insignificant. Whereas significant differences of static Balance found.
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