A goalkeeper is special because he is the team’s last line of defence and the first line of offense. Being the last person on the defensive gives him the privilege to handle the ball [1]. Since the changes to the laws of the football game [2] it does not allow the goalkeeper to take the ball back from the defender by hands. Where the pass back to the goalkeeper will now be punished with a free kick if the keeper picks it up? From the props, our study focus on the demand goalkeeper due to the changes in the laws of the football game where our background confirms that The goalkeeper should work hard in these conditions [3] for this reason, this study has to answer the question: Which training improves the ability to both control and manipulate the ball with both feet since the foot controls the ball most of the time, it is essential for goalkeepers? [4]. Where our results confirm the need to integrate the goalkeeper in the sessions ball control case the Algerian coaches.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.119
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Copyright (c) 2016 Hadjar Kh. M., Koutchouk S. M., Mime M., Zerf M., Zereg Fateh

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