The aim of this study was to compare some lipid and lipoprotein values of wrestlers and to examine the risks of cardiovascular diseases. In order to achieve this purpose, 38 male of the National Turkish Wrestlers (age of the wrestlers A: 22.5 year and age of the wrestlers B: 19.3 years) participated in the study. Triglyceride (TG), Total Cholesterol (TC), HDL-C and LDL-C levels were determined by Hitachi 717 autoanalyser. To determine the differences between groups “independent t” tests were performed. Significance level was taken as p<0.05. TC and LDK-C values of wrestlers A were significantly high when compared with the same values of wrestlers B (95.95 and 130.63 mg/100cc opposed to 92.05 and 118.47mg/100cc). No significant differences were found in TG and HDL-C values between wrestlers groups (p>.05). Although the group A wrestlers’ training levels were always higher than group B Wrestlers’, the TG and HDL-C values were not found to be different. But the HDL-C levels of group A wrestlers were found to be better than group B Wrestlers. This result shows that medium and high level of exercises did cause little differences in lipid and lipoprotein levels. Lipid and lipoprotein values of the two groups have indicated that the individuals in these groups would not be exposed to danger of cardiovascular diseases.
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