It is about the increase of behaviors close to the desired fair play in sports environments and the decrease in behavior towards violence. It is important for these behaviors to be identified from small age groups and to take necessary precautions and interventions for the future. The aim of the study in this context is to examine the relationship between the level of violence and the behaviors of children towards fair play in sports whose ages change between 11 and 19 attending summer sports school. The research group consists of 226 children aged 11-19 who go to summer sports school in 2015 in Osmaniye province voluntarily participating in the study. The Violence Tendency Scale developed by Göka, Bayat and Türkçapar (1995) was used to obtain data on the level of violence. In order to obtain the level of behavior for the flight play, Sezen-Balçıkanlı (2009) developed by Vallerand et al. Multi-Dimensional Sportsmanship Orientation Scale adapted to Turkish was used. While there was no significant difference between the groups according to their gender and branches in the evaluation of violence tendency levels of children aged 11-19 participating in the study, there was a significant difference between the groups according to their age and income status of their families. Negative correlations were found between the levels of violence of children aged 11-19 participating in the study and the behavioral levels and subscales of fair play in sports. As a result, the level of behavior towards fair play increases when the level of violence tendency of children between the ages of 11-19 attending summer sports academy decreases.
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