Background: Core training is effective training for sports which require high level balance ability. Badminton needs good shaped balance ability for front side or back side on the court.
Aim: Purpose of this study was to examine effects of core training on dynamic balance ability of high level Badminton players.
Material and Methods: Experimental design, specifically randomized pretest- posttest control group, was used for this study. Matching participants was also applied for decreasing learning effect and pretest treatment interaction effect. Forty (22 male and 18 female) national Badminton players were recruited for this study. They were divided randomly two groups. Twenty of them were experimental group and other 20 of them were control group. Age of participants were 16-24 years (M= 18.98, SD= 1.92). Star excursion balance test was used in order to measure dynamic balance of participants. Mixed ANOVA was applied for statistical analysis.
Result: Results showed that eight weeks core training increased dynamic balance ability of experimental group, not for control group participants.
Conclusion: Core training has an effect on dynamic balance in high level badminton players and it should be used for improving balance ability of badminton players.
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