Football coaches are those who prepare teams for various competitions in technical, tactical, conditioning, strategy and mental contexts by using academic knowledge and experience, and also decide match squad. Football coaches are responsible for the sporting success of the team. Nowadays, a coach is no longer just a technical and tactical coach. From this point of view, football coaching can also be regarded as football business, where the risks associated with professional career are taken the most. Football whose commercial value is increasing day by day is confronted as a workplace where various labor markets take place. In football, labor markets around coaching profession, similar to other labor markets but shaped by the specific characteristics of the profession many experiences are gained by coaches. The aim of this study is to make a general evaluation of the football coach labor market by taking the football coaching profession in the context of the experience of the coaches through their experiences and opinions. Questionnaire technique was applied to obtain data on professional experiences of football coaches in the survey. Survey questions were prepared by us. The obtained data were evaluated in SPSS statistical program and analyzed by frequency and cross tabulation. From this point of view, research is a descriptive model-based research for revealing the general situation of the market. In the findings section of the study, demographic characteristics related to the performance of the coaching profession such as coach license grades, football histories, and educational status are regarded. The quantitative and qualitative findings are related to their professional experience. Although the results of the survey show that football coaches are exposed to practices outside of the regulations related to their working life, that these experiences cause social and economic insecurity, that these regulations, which classify coaches and determine the scope and duration of their work, also cause a number of grievances, experience unemployment at various times, that they do not feel secure, that they are unemployed at any moment, and that they have gone through long steps to practice their profession.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1241
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