The fact that individuals meet sports from early years is an important determinant of their future behaviours and attitudes towards sports. Individual’s meeting sports and their expectations are among some of the important factors in the development of sports and spreading to the masses. The aim of this work in this context is that it aimed to determine the views and expectation of children's tendency towards belt wrestling. The aim was to create resource and contribute to the teachers working in this area by determining expectations for the factors, anticipations and development of 13-14 age group of male-female children who are doing traditional belt wrestling in Turkey. In the qualitatively designed study, a semi-structured interview technique was used to collect data. Individual interviews were conducted with the children and interviews were recorded as voice recordings. A content analysis was carried out for analysis of data. The data have been edited and interpreted in categories. The data was obtained through an interview (voice recording). Interview content was created by getting an expert’s opinions. The universe of the workshop was performed with male and female children aged between 13 and 14 who participated in the 2017 Belt Wrestling Pre-Cadets Turkey Championship, a sportsman from the Traditional Sports Federation Belt Wrestling. As a result of the study, it was determined that the children were firstly directed by the families to the sport and they have do judo sports primarily in parallel with the belt wrestling. It has been considered that the results obtained will create resources for strategic planning while determining sportive performance road maps by creating resources for trainers and athletes who are trained in this field, and for introducing, development and spreading traditional sports towards the masses, for providing criss cross in different sports disciplines, for using criss cross as trigger factor in development of traditional sports, for federations, club managers and trainers about meeting determined expectations for increase the number of elite athletes, as well. It has been thought that identifying similarities of traditional sports to the other Olympic sports, and carrying out joint projects with these federations will be effective for traditional sports to be carried into future and continuation of its sustainability.
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