The active rest phase is the transition period of annual training planning. In Turkey, especially in amateur sports clubs, there exists a transition period of four or four and a half months, and this period, in general, passes with passive rest. In such a long passive period of time, soccer players experience significant losses in their technical and motor performances. The objective of this research presented, is to study the effects of a soccer training programme on some physical and technical skills of children that put through an eight weeks of soccer training, and to compare the findings to the motor performances and technical skills of children that spent the twelve weeks of transition period with passive rest. Children’ soccer technical skill levels was tested by using wall passing and dribbling, and physical condition levels by using standing long jump and the flamingo balance tests. After eight weeks of training, the results of pre and post tests were compared and found significant differences. At the end of twelve weeks of transition phase, between the all results of the post and permanence tests, statistically significant differences in the negative direction was found.
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