The present study's aim was investigating the relationship between organizational silences with Islamic Republic of Iran karate federation employee's performance. The research method strategically was: descriptive, in terms of field study. The statistic society consisted 300s of federation leaders, assistants, chiefs and secretaries of karate associations, referee's committee leaders and also financial and accounting officers. Sampling method was simple random method, 168 were selected via Morgan Table. The measuring tool in this research was Hersey and Goldsmith standard questionnaire of organizational silence and job performance. The questionnaire's date to test the hypothesis of Pearson correlation coefficient, and t test one sample and regression in SPSS software was used. Finding results showed that there isn't a significant relation between organizational silence and employee's performance. Due to the research results and considering more than average organizational silence between the employees, some strategies should be considered at Islamic Republic of Iran karate federation to decrease organizational silence.
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