The aim of this study was investigation the acute effect of anaerobic exercise on dynamic balance of sedentary young boys. Totally 30 individuals who are sedentary healthy males participated in this study as a subject. Measurements were done between 14.00 and 18.00 in 4 days. Previously The subject in this study were introduced the procedure of the dynamic balance (Biodex Balance SD, Biodex, Shirley, NY. isokinetic balance device ) and Wingate power test (Monark 894E Peak Bike, Monark Exercise AB, Vansbro, Sweden.) and a written approval form was taken from each volunteer. Second day, all subjects were tested dynamic balance test after general warm-up. During the third and fourth days, all subjects were tested Wingate power test without load (empty scale) and 5% load and immediately after that all of them were tested the dynamic balance test. Subjects rested 48 hours between measurements and did not any exercise during the rest time. At the end of the application; overall balance, control trial 1.94±0.85, placebo trial 1.82±0.73, experimental trial 1.92±1.05, anterior-posterior balance, control trial 1.52±0.67, placebo trial 1.37±0.62, experimental trial 1.44±0.93, medial-lateral balance, control trial 0.98±0.53, placebo trial 1.03±0.45, experimental trial 1.06±0.62 there was no statistical significance was not observed dynamic balance after anaerobic exercise (p>0.05). In conclusion, we can conclude that anaerobic exercises have no acute effect on dynamic balance in sedentary youth males who are 13-15 ages.
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