The aim of this study is investigation of acute effect of circuit aerobic exercise and traditional aerobic exercise on hamstring muscle flexibility in sedentary women. Forty four sedentary women voluntarily participated in this study as subject. Subjects divided two groups as circuit aerobic training group (n=24), and traditional aerobic training group (n=20). For hamstring flexibility, modified sit and reach test was used. The test was applied three times as: before warm-up (T1), after immediately warm-up (T2), and after immediately exercise (T3). For warm-up intervention, 15 min mild running and static stretching were performed. Traditional aerobic exercise intervention consisted of 30 min moderate interval treadmill running. Circuit aerobic exercise intervention consisted of 30 min, 3x4 station (bench-step, jumping rope, cycling, treadmill running), and all station maintained to 3 min load with 2 min rest. Both training intervention performed at 65-75% HRmax that controlled with chest band. For statistical analysis, 2x3 mixed factor ANOVA and Bonferroni correction were used. Hamstring flexibility determined in the traditional aerobic exercise group as T1 by 13.90±4.22 cm, T2 by 19.90±4.55 cm, T3 by 29.45±6.54 cm; in the circuit aerobic exercise group as T1 by 21.20±6.89 cm, T2 by 24.08±6.67 cm, T3 by 25.62±6.67 cm. Differences between the three measurements of both groups were found statistically significant (p < 0.05). There were significant differences between T3 and T1-T2; and between T2 and T1 in both groups (p < 0.05). Differences in traditional aerobic exercise group were found more significant than circuit aerobic exercise group (p < 0.05). In summary, it could be said that hamstring flexibility increased after aerobic exercise, and at this point, traditional aerobic exercise has one step ahead of circuit aerobic exercise.
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