Background: Situational interest is believed to be critical in enhancing physical activity engagement among high school students. Besides, social support is associated with situational interest. The purpose of this study was to examine indicators of situational interest, and the relationship between social support and situational interest.
Methods: This study was done with high school students (N = 477) enrolled in physical education classes in Kenya. Data were analyzed using simple correlation, independent t-test, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling.
Results: Regression results show that the five indicators predicted about 73% of the variance in situational interest. Confirmatory factor analysis support four indicators (optimal challenge, attention demand, exploration intention and enjoyment) of situational interest. There is no relationship between students’ interest and gender. Situational interest is influenced with both teacher and peer support. Personal interest is associated with situational interest.
Conclusion: Students’ physical activity motivation is associated with situational interest. Findings partially support previous studies that point to five indicators of situational interest. Establishing learning environment that uphold teacher and peer support might help trigger and maintain situational interest. Students’ past experiences could influence situational interest.
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