The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of plyometric training on repeated sprint ability in amateur soccer players. Twenty amateur soccer players participated in this study as the subject. The subjects were randomly assigned to plyometric training group (n=10, age: 19.7±2.26 years) and control group (n=10, age: 18.8±0.6 years). The training group is experienced a plyometric exercise 2 days a week for 12 weeks. Pre- and post-tests assessed 6x35 meters (Repeated Anaerobic Sprint Test) repeated sprint test, body composition, rest heart rate, and peak heart rate in control and plyometric group. For the comparison of groups, paired samples t-test and independent (IBM SSPS 21.0) was used. The results revealed that significant difference in six piece repeated first sprint after the 12 weeks plyometric training were in the plyometric group. The plyometric group also showed a significant difference in rest heart beat rate, peak heart beat rate, right leg fat (%), fat mass, fat free mass, left leg fat mass, and fat free mass. However there was no a significant difference in left leg fat (%), BMI, BMR and total body water. The major finding in the study was the significant improvements in repeated sprint performance and body composition. According to these results, it can be said that practicing of plyometric training develops repeated sprint performance and also increases mass fat loses, in addition to regular soccer training.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1277
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