The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between extremity measurement and tennis performance in athletes aged 22-25 years. 15 male and 15 female athletes who has 23.57 ± 1.15 year average age participated in the study voluntary. AOS test was applied to athletes and the data were analyzed by Spearman test. Data were given with averages and standard deviation values. The average body height of the female athletes were 179,14 ± 5,97 cm, the average body weight was 75,00 ± 5,79 kg, the average arm length was 37,46 ± 1,53 cm, the average leg length was 97,00 ± 2,21 cm, the average foot length was 26.71 ±, 72cm. AOS test averages 173.85 ± 19.39 and the mean age was found to be. The mean height of the male athletes participating in the study was 170.33 ± 3.47cm, the weight average 60.60 ± 3.66kg, the arm length average 32.90 ± 1.07cm, the leg length average 89.40 ± 2.72cm, the foot length average 23.20 ±, 77cm, AOS test average of 148,53 ± 11,90, average age was found to be 23,67 ± 1,17. As a result, there was no significant relationship between Tennis performance and Body Weight, Arm length, Hand length, Leg length, Foot length both Female and Male participants. (p> 0.05).
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