Reduction of working hours and increase of the spare time with technological development provided people to stay the level of education and income. Therefore, inadequate physical activity based on the industry has become one of the biggest problems of people and societies in our day. As a result of them the demand of recreational activities has increased. It is important for our future to educate young people about these issues. This study which is conducted for participation of college students to sportive recreation activities and determining their interests has been done with the aim of contribution to our future. Target population of study is 245 students (121 girls and 129 boys) that are randomly chosen and studying in Academy of Kırkpınar Physical Education and Sports and the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Trakya University. The data of the research were collected as a survey. The obtained data were analyzed on SPSS 15 program. Chi-square test, frequency and crosstabs analyses were used. The proportion of the students who participated the research was %48 of girl and %52 of boy. There were 126 participants from Kırkpınar College of Physical Education and Sports and 119 participants from Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. In total, 300 surveys were used for this research. 245 of them were taken under review. Most of the students take part in the activities for their health and generally they prefer being with their groups of friends.
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