The aim of this study is to assess the effect of tennis technique training and games on reaction times of 10-12 years old boys. For this study, 40 subjects who did not perform any physical activity volunteered. Subjects randomly assigned two groups: Experimental group: 20, control group: 20. The experimental group was subjected to 8 week three days a week and 60 minute per session tennis and education with games training program modified according to relevant age group. The control group did not participate any physical activity. Visual, auditory and mix reaction times were measured by Newtest 1000 reaction timer. Subjects’ reaction times were measured twice before and after training program. SPSS 22.0 package program was used for analysis of the data obtained from the study. Independent Sample T test was used for comparison between groups, and paired samples t test was analyzed at p <0.05 significance level. As a result of the study, there was no difference in the control group, and after eight weeks of tenement-specific games and technical training, the research group revealed significant changes between auditory, visual and mixed reaction times in both hands.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Mücahit Sarikaya, Muzaffer Selçuk, Y. Gökhan Gencer, H. Bayram Temur, Uğur Öntürk

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