The purpose of this study is to reveal 14-16 age group Iraqi and Turkish boys' achievement motivation differences in terms of various personal characteristics. Working group consists of 155 children (67 Iraqis, 88 Turks) in the 14-16 age group and being interested in football. Sport Specific Achievement Motivation Scale was used to obtain research findings. SPSS 22.0 program was used to analyze the data, the independent samples test was used for comparison of pair groups, One Way ANOVA test was used for comparison of multiple groups. As a result, while the Turkish children's power showing motive and motive to approach success was significantly high, it was found that the Iraqi children had higher scores in sub-dimensions of motive to avoid failure. Therefore, the motive to avoid failure of Iraqi children was higher than their achievement motivation scores and it can be said that Iraqi children tended to move away from competition conditions. This case may be due to personally negative reflection to children's psychology of internal disorder and negative events in their country and low self-confidence. In addition, according to obtained correlation results, it can be said that the physical structure of boys (height and body weight) increases power showing motive and motive to approach success but decreases motive to avoid failure.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Aram Othman Azeez, Mürsel Biçer, Uğur Abakay

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