The objective of this study is to analyze the thinking styles of wrestlers. 267 licensed wrestlers participated in the study. “Rational-Experiential Thinking Styles Inventory” developed by Epstein et al. (1996) and adapted into Turkish by Buluş (2003) was used to find out the thinking styles of wrestlers. In statistical analysis of the data, t test was used for independent groups while one way variance analysis was used for the comparison of multiple groups. When the rational thinking style levels of wrestlers were examined in terms of age, no statistical difference was found (p>0.05). When the intuitive thinking style levels of wrestlers were examined in terms of age, it was found that wrestlers between the ages 21 and 27 had higher intuitive thinking style levels than wrestlers between the ages 18 and 20 (p<0.01). No significant difference was found between high school or university students in terms of rational and intuitive thinking styles (p>0.05). It was found that being a national team athlete and sports age did not have an influence on rational or intuitive thinking styles of athletes (p>0.05). As a conclusion, when athletes’ scores from thinking styles were examined, it was found that both thinking styles were used at an intermediate level. It was found that age had an influence on intuitive thinking style, while being in a high school or university student, being in a national team athlete and sports age did not have an influence on thinking styles.
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