The aim of this research is to offer suggestions for the work to be done regarding the development of the situation and potential of Mersin tourism. In this context, the opinions about the works that can be done for the current situation and development of Mersin tourism were asked and evaluated by 8 people, including public institution directors, academicians and private sector employees. In this study, semi-structured interview technique that is one of the qualitative research methods was used. In our study, the interview form prepared as a data collection tool has been revealed due to the opinions of the experts about the subject. As a result, the form consists of 8 questions and the first question that we have prepared determine the demographics features of the participants, while the other 7 questions are related to the feasibility of Mersin tourism regarding the current situation and potential of it. At the end of the study, strengths and weaknesses of Mersin tourism have been revealed. In addition, it is another contribution to the field of the study that reveals potential studies that can be done about Mersin tourism. It is believed that as a result of this study, the thoughts and suggestions have been revealed will be light and guide to other studies to be done in the field.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1329
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