The purpose of this study is to compare body image and narcissism levels of students of Istanbul Gelişim University, School of Physical Education and Sports. Population of the study was constituted by students studying at Istanbul Gelişim University whereas the sample was represented by 81 students studying at Istanbul Gelişim University School of Physical Education and Sports who voluntarily participated in our study. “Narcissistic Personality Inventory” was used as data collection tool. The Inventory was developed in 2005 by Daniel R. Ames, Paul Rose and Cameron P. Anderson. It was translated into Turkish in 2009 by Salim Atay and validity and reliability study was conducted. For analyzing the data acquired, SPSS 20 was used. Single sample “Kolmogorov-Smirnov” test was applied to learn whether or not the data had a normal distribution while “Anova-Homogeneity of variance” test was applied to determine its homogeneity and it was seen that the data was homogeneous and had normal distribution. For analyzing data, descriptive statistical analysis, one way analysis of variance and tukey test were applied. It was found as a result of the study that narcissism scores of students studying exercise and sports were higher than those of the students studying coach training and recreation.
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